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Weather wields fatal blow to Penasco Palooza 2012

By in Our Blog with 4 Comments

We are so used to beautiful weather year around here in our paradise by the sea, that when it does rare its ugly side, it catches us by surprise.

That’s what happened on St. Patrick’s Day as the winds began to pick up in the afternoon and continued to grow until they were dismounting the awnings of the concessions by the time the first act was performing. It got worse from there. Alan Munro shut down early due to equipment being displaced by the winds. Several spectators were forced to leave with sand lodged in their eyes.

By the time the All Star Legends mounted the stage, equipment was actually bounding to the floor.  It became an actual safety issue for both performers and audience alike.  Wisely, the organizers of the event, Home of the Brave Concerts, decided to stop the action entirely.

They are committed to making it up to those who were there ready to weather the weather and are in the process of rescheduling an event to make it all right for the audience.  Stay tuned for the official dates.

So many people work so hard to put on an event like this that the disappointment goes much further than the immediate effects that meet the eye. The musicians were especially disappointed by not getting to share their music.

We are still tallying the good and the bad from this unfortunate weather attack and will surely have more stories for you beginning even later today.

This blog is brought to you by The Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, Jim Ringquist, Directory of Sales.

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  1. Kathy R Ruthrauff says:

    That was some SERIOUS wind….I think I STILL have sand in my eyes/ears/nose 🙁

  2. Sami says:

    Joe…you did a fantastic job with the profiles of each artist and your St. Patrick’s day wear was fabulous – bow tie, top hat, and all.   We’ll all pick up and move on!

  3. Sarah Roberts Nelson says:

    We eagerly await the announcement of new concert dates and look forward to seeing these talented artists sometime soon! We’re  keeping our shamrock bracelets close by and crossing our fingers for a sooner than later follow up date!

  4. Trish McCarty says:

    Dear Joe–Patricia (Trish) McCarty here (Steve’s wife) just wanting to say how much we appreciated your wonderful writing–especially about Steve– and enthusiasm. So far, we have heard that not anyone has asked for their tickets to be refunded. When we went downtown on Sunday –probably fifty or more people came up to speak to Steve about how sorry they felt for the band and for Home of the Brave Concerts. We have always loved Puerto Penasco but to experience this much love on such a wide scale…is truly unique. I am not sure we would have had the same comments inside of the U.S.
    We are all a bit beaten-up but Thank You God–no one was hurt–a big miracle. The equipment may have a few problems. It still is pretty disappointing as so many people have worked so hard to make Palooza great. Larry Large continues to look forward to the future but really needs to be thanked for the risk and incredible losses he has had to endure, much greater I am sure than the band.
    We love you guys and hope to spend much more time with you in the very near future. Trish

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