The largest, longest running (16 consecutive years)—and, arguably, the most fun—Día de la Santa Cruz celebration here in Puerto Peñasco is the one held on the next street north behind the Fifth Avenue shops, also known as the Cholla Mall shops, and other endearing names, called Barrio or Colonia Obrera. Their festivity attracts 300 to 500 attendees each of the two nights from all over the city because it’s so popular…
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Is There a Mermaid in Rocky Point? Well, not exactly. But it is the creative name for a new and needed regularly scheduled artist showcase called Mermaid’s Market conceived and organized by Russ and Naomi Black of Peñasco Recreation. Russ and Naomi are long time residents of Puerto Peñasco and are known for their creative contributions to the organization of…
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On Saturday November 24th from 11:00AM until 4:00PM, local and visiting artists and crafts makers will gather once again in Fiesta Park of the Las Conchas residential community displaying their latest creations…
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