On the eve of Mexico’s most important holiday, as our pre-Independence Day blog explained, every town in the country celebrates Father Miguel Hidalgo’s historic declaration of independence from 300 years under Spanish rule, called the “El Grito” (or the “cry for independence”).
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You see them up and down the streets of Puerto Peñasco beginning about sunset every day; from the small portable carts with umbrella coverings to cage-like enclosures with tables, chairs, soft drink coolers and table service. The main menu item: Hot Dogs, or Hot Dogos, or Chili Dogos painted in large red letters across the front of the venue.
While there are surely good ones all around town, the one we’re featuring in today’s blog is the El Come Más Chile Dogo and Taco Eatery located just east of Benito Juarez …
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We have a lot of events in Puerto Peñasco, most are colorful and fun. But there are several that seem to project the true culture of this great and historic country and people more than others. This year’s Tequila Fest was one of those. Maybe it was the location, maybe it was the way they laid it out, maybe it was the décor, and most likely it was the traditional folkloric performances by the dancers, singers and musicians that continued through the night showering the attendees, including many ex-patriots with color and sounds of the “real” Mexico we all came here to experience.
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Each year on Good Friday around noon at the Malecón in Puerto Peñasco, and in the plazas of pueblos and cities throughout the country of Mexico, begins the traditional religious enactment of the Stations of the Cross, one of the highlights of Semana Santa.
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To truly appreciate this event is to understand that the word “Taste” in this moniker is used in its full nuance from the word “Sabor” in Spanish which refers to much more than just the taste of food. It idiomatically encompasses all that makes a place, a thing, or an atmosphere endemically and invitingly pleasing to ones senses, like its color, its culture, its art, its people, its music, its dance, as well as its traditional foods and drinks.
With this understanding, may you go forth and fully enjoy the cultural as well as the culinary flavors of colorful Puerto Peñasco, Sonora Mexico at the 5th Annual “Taste of Peñasco”! It all starts at 11:00 A.M. and runs until 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at Plaza del Camarón (Shrimp Plaza) located on Benito Juarez across Fremont Street from City Hall.
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