Interest and excitement for this, the fifth annual Las Vegas Night for Charity has been simply effervescent! Whether it’s because this year the event date falls on the 4th of July, or because attendees remember that it is a sold every year, Las Vegas Night for Charity is the major “buzz” throughout the community!out event
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This year Roger invited a record 10 bands who grooved and jammed day and night through 27 performances during the four days…
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So put your money on a Ducky’s behind for just $5 dollars—or even better, get three numbers on three Duckies for just $10 dollars, and the coup de Ducky?, get six Duckies racing for you for just $20 ducks—err–bucks! All your money is going to make a bunch of Puerto Peñasco school children able to study more with the right kinds of supplies through the nonprofit organization, Adopt-a-Classroom, which helps thousands of kids in 13 schools, including one school in Port Lobo.
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Sandy Spain and Barb Olszewski get together every year and throw a great old fashioned pancake breakfast and silent auction that raises money to pay the electric bills to keep the non-profit Esperanza Para Nueva Vida Community Center in San Rafael open during the summer. This has kept the kids off the streets and the parents learning skills such as sewing, haircutting and computer use for years…
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Saturday July 4th is the date to mark on your calendar for this year’s Las Vegas Night for Charity, arguably the most fun event in Puerto Peñasco and a sell out every year since its inception. Again this year the event will be held in the beautifully appointed Los Volcanes ballroom in the Sonoran Sky Resort Condominium…
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…over the past 18 months we have increased our staffing, provided training to our caregivers and had the full time services of a psychologist and teacher available for our kids thanks to support from many of you. So today, instead of our kids being several years behind academically and exhibiting a variety of emotional and behavioral issues, for the most part they are incredibly happy, loving, well-adjusted kids who are doing well academically. Meanwhile, we have been doing a lot of community outreach to try to find wonderful local families willing to adopt our kids and I am thrilled to report that we now have 9 children out with families in the process of being adopted and three families ready to begin the adoption process with 5 more of our kids!
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“We have these tirelessly determined parents who have exhausted every means for taking care of their little son”, informs Mark. Their insurance, which covered most of the medical trips, was on the verge of expiring—that is until Mark and Frank spent some time with this small child who has already broken the “Cuteness” meter and, as Mark puts it, “Pulled every string in my heart, for sure.”
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With so many good hearted groups and individuals eager to help the community they love to visit or reside in, there’s hardly, if ever, a day where amazing acts of kindness and charity don’t change the life of a child, a family or a whole neighborhood of children or adults.
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Known as a Color Run in English and called Toma Color in Spanish, it’s the fastest growing race event in history. A 5km run where participants jog through 4 to 6 stations manned by a handful of staff who douse them with brightly colored, harmless powder throughout the course. Arrival at theDSC_0105 finish line, each participant showered in a rainbow of colors, can’t help but turn into a party you have to see to believe…
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