Of course we have plenty of species that love it here in Puerto Peñasco and spend the year around, so, interspersed with some hot news about the exciting events coming up in Rocky Point during the next 60 days and longer, we’ll be sneaking in a few articles about one of the most unique aspects of wildlife we enjoy on a daily basis here on the edge of the Sea of Cortez….
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It’s almost as if nature set them up for a limited existence on earth. Although their ancestors have been around for a couple of million years, the tiny (in comparison) Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) porpoise lives in a very small area covering just 4,000 square kilometers of the 177,000 sq. km. Sea of Cortez.
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15 Interesting Seabird Facts. The terms Seabirds, Shorebirds, and Waterbirds as definitions are quite ambiguous and used interchangeably depending on which resource from which one gathers information. Therefore, in this article we’ll use the term Seabird as the catchall word for the birds about which we supply these fun and interesting facts.
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Just off the beach in front of the Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Spa Resort Condominiums it is common to see dolphins frolicking and jumping above the surface of the Sea of Cortez almost year around. They are such fun to watch and the opportunity to see them, though frequent, never gets old.
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Of the more than 10,000 known species of birds in the world, Mexico is known and appreciated as host to over 10% of that total. There are several locales around this beautiful country where bird watching opportunities can number in the hundreds of species. But there may be none so accessible or more abundant in species as found in the Morua Estuary, just a few hours’ drive from Arizona, Nevada, Southern California and New Mexico.
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