Born and raised in the historic Arizona border town of Douglas, Tony Ballesteros began his interest in photography in Douglas High School while taking printing class and serving as the school printer of the weekly Douglas High newspaper. Not satisfied with the photos being taken for the paper, rather than complain, the determined young Tony found a Brownie and started taking the photos himself with amazing success that began his life-long love and career in photography. Since the first digital cameras, Tony has surged with the technology, now on his third Sony, the latest 24.3 megapixel SLR 650A that can fire 10 frames a second through a powerful telephoto zoom lens that makes most admirers astoundingly ask, “How’d he get that shot?”
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The Sonoran Desert takes up over 100,000 square miles and covers parts of two states and two countries: the southern parts of Arizona and California in the United States and large parts of the states of Sonora, Baja California Norte and Baja California Sur in Mexico. You’ve probably read that the Sonoran Desert is one of the most wildly diverse deserts in the world, but it is also one of the most ecologically balanced deserts in the world.
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It might be an understatement to say The Friendly Dolphin is arguably the most recommended eating establishment in all of Rocky Point. Nor would it be a stretch to say that most who experience this venue for the first time do so accompanied by, or at the recommendation of friends or family. The reason that […]
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15 Interesting Seabird Facts. The terms Seabirds, Shorebirds, and Waterbirds as definitions are quite ambiguous and used interchangeably depending on which resource from which one gathers information. Therefore, in this article we’ll use the term Seabird as the catchall word for the birds about which we supply these fun and interesting facts.
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Just a few steps onto Sandy Beach in front of the Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Spa condominium resorts, you’ll find friendly Johnny Elías and his crew ready help you onto a Jet Ski or the famous banana boat, a bucking thrill ride you or your kids won’t soon forget—and in the opinion of many—absolutely the most fun you can have anywhere for $5.00!
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Have you ever kept the stats on how many of your friends and new acquaintances fell in love and/or married along the picturesque beaches of our little piece of peaceful paradise that is Puerto Peñasco? It is uncanny, really, the number of couples whose love story involves Rocky Point as a key romantic ingredient, or […]
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Just off the beach in front of the Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Spa Resort Condominiums it is common to see dolphins frolicking and jumping above the surface of the Sea of Cortez almost year around. They are such fun to watch and the opportunity to see them, though frequent, never gets old.
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Until you’ve sailed, you might wonder about the free spirit that radiates from every sailor you ever met. But once you’ve been out there on the water, it becomes aqua clear that the fresh briny breeze coursing across the sea creates and fuels that special spirit in the sailor. That combination usually makes for a […]
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This Saturday will mark the 7th gathering of local arts, crafts and food vendors exhibiting their wares and products to the public of Puerto Peñasco. Since the first event on Saturday December 17, 2011, Mike McLaughlin’s original idea has proven a timely one for which the community was ready.
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Puerto Penasco Dreaming is an inclusion of photos of the area with descriptive poetry or prose which appear for the enjoyment, hopefully, of our readers when the inspiration hits.
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