It’s very rare indeed to spot any species of whale so close to Sandy Beach that you can see them from the balcony of your condominium, but, not for just a fleeting moment, not just a glimpse on a Sunday afternoon, but all afternoon Sunday and all afternoon Monday, spouts of sea water shot 30 feet into the air announcing …
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The 4th annual Youth Sports Foundation (YSF) Major League Coaches Clinic was held Saturday January 26th 2013 in spite of a rare Rocky Point rain storm that rendered the Municipal Baseball Stadium grounds too muddy for the scheduled outdoor exercises. However wet the weather, the spirits of the four dozen junior leaguers who braved the uncertain conditions were unhampered and undaunted as they listened attentively from the bleachers in the Municipal Gymnasium to each of the eight MLB coaches who shared invaluable…
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The week between Christmas and New Years marked another incredible act of kindness by the 10 year old volunteer group, Families Helping Families (FHF) numbering approximately 200 and made up of role model parents and their devoted off spring, mostly of the Mormon faith from Utah and surrounding states…
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Luis Garrido and Karen Kramer Garrido of Outta Town Productions (OTP) will set up their super fun beach obstacle course on Sandy Beach once again, and if you missed it in October, be sure to check it out this time around because it has a new competitive twist…
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We’ll get a double helping of Roger Clyne again this year with an extra helping of Golf as he and the Peacemakers continue their tradition of raising money for the children of Peñasco. This fun weekend starts with Roger bringing another…
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Most local residents know how much Trish McCarty and her famous rock star husband, Steve McCarty love Puerto Peñasco as do many of their fans who’ve attended a Peñasco Palooza or even a Peñasco Business Expo and Iron Chef Competition where he has entertained. Always sharing a smile…
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In the December newsletter you read about the good hearted group of owners at the Sonoran Spa Resort affectionately named the “Pilgrims” who prepared and served Thanksgiving dinner to about a 180 workers and residents of the Spa and Sea (see our blog article at It seems their holiday spirit maintained its momentum as some of the group…
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Essay by guest blogger, Jack Hecker–We had just finished a golf game and were sitting around drinking beer and lying, which is what most of us do best. I explained I would not be playing the next week because I was going to Rocky Point. You mean Mexico? Are you crazy, they asked? They’re killing people left and right down there. My response was, would you go to Phoenix or Chicago? Besides, I spent many years working in downtown Cleveland. They’re not shooting little fat, bald Americans like me…
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Fittingly labeled the “Retro Rocky Point Invitational Beach Volleyball Tournament”, Luis Garrido of Outta Town Productions (OTP) is reviving his Beach Volleyball Tournament after a one year hiatus. Technically, the tournament is an “open” event rather than an invitational, since Luis invites all beach volleyball aficionados to enjoy a weekend of fun competition on the beach in Rocky Point.
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…you could pin it down to Saturday the 8th of December as events were taking place in the far reaches of Puerto Peñasco and beyond and community centers in the northern neighborhoods to the Esperanza para Los Niños shelter some 20 Kilometers outside the city…
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