We all know what an increase of 3,500 visitors arriving pretty much all at once upon our little pueblo can make to our economy (that’s about how many passengers an average small cruise ship carries). The annual bike rally brings those kinds of tourists to town; Roger Clyne’s fans hit that mark during his Circus Meximus; Spring Break is yet another period that brings young visitors to town in large numbers…
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As that evening progressed, to at least a handful of us who are familiar with the spiritual artistry of one craftsman bursting with love for Puerto Peñasco, realized that this blessed facility really, really needed one of his works of art to insure a constant blessing over all who tread the threshold of the San Peregrino Cancer Center…
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Approximately 80 species of whales roam the world’s oceans and seas, and about one third of them spend time in the nourishing warm waters of the Sea of Cortez, either as permanent residents like the fin and sperm whales. A good many of the rest of the species at least drop by the southern entrance to the middle of the Sea during their migration in search of mates and to enjoy the variety of foods that live here…
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Since the age of five, Karen Aldridge has lived near beaches; around San Francisco and Anaheim, visiting other beach destinations like San Diego, Tijuana, Ensenada and Estero Beach with her family, and later as an adult with Chuck, her husband of more than 30 years.
From their very first date in April of 1980 this friendly, easy going couple have been in love and…
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Kathleen Duncan, aka Tia Katy, at the DIF Amores de Peñasco children’s crisis shelter here in Puerto Peñasco and whose marvelous volunteer work we’ve written about on numerous occasions (click TiaKaty for the latest one) has come up with another creative way to make donations to support these abandoned and abused kids, and this one doesn’t cost Arizona residents anything!
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In Part VII of our impact study we discussed concerns of the cruise lines with regard to the ability of destinations to cope with passenger growth—which seems to have taken a life of its own, in fact for several years now. Of course, that’s positive news for Puerto Peñasco as we fit right into the growth trends: that is, new destinations, new larger ship handling capabilities and favorable economic conditions for the cruise lines to restock, refuel, and repair…
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Nature Provideth, Nature Taketh Away … Southside Jillz (Fun and Then Some Bar and Grill) Coming Soon! … New Wind Generator Came Together Like A Giant Erector Set—Only Quicker! … Random Act of Kindness By A Sonoran Resorts Resident Meant The World To A Cancer Victim…
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If you use the Lukeville postal facility at all, you may have heard the rumor that it is at risk of closing in the very near future. Well, brace yourself for the fact that this is a fact. However, we hasten to say that there may be some action we can take to alleviate what would be, at best, a traumatic occurrence that would cause a chain of unwelcome and confusing events as thousands of residents and businesses in Rocky Point scramble for PO Boxes from Ajo to…
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Good hearted patience, unwavering determination, focused persistence, equally good hearted friends (and at least one well-DSC00096 connected relative)—this is a formula for achieving the grandest of dreams. And after eight arduous years of pioneering pathways and never, ever giving up, this small group of powerfully unrelenting ladies recently cut the ribbon to the…
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Late in the afternoon of Tuesday the 12th of August 2014 it was a combination of all the above that permeated through the Los Volcanes convention and meeting facility on the 2nd floor of the Sonoran Sky beach front Condominium Resort in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico. To a group of 34 K through 12 education leaders of this quaint seaside village the anticipation was positively contagious as they assembled to learn as much as possible about the breakthrough StarShine Academy educational system that has received worldwide acclaim since it was introduced to the world over 12 years ago…
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