Water and beach activities are a major part of any visit to Rocky Point so it makes sense that a full service luxury beachfront condominium resort like the Sonoran Sea should have a full service quality Activity Center and Dive Shop which is open to the public and owned and operated by Daniel Guemes Castorena and his wife, Ericka Reyna Castro, both PADI certified divers and much more…
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The “Dive Shop” or “Activity Center”, as it’s commonly referred to is owned and operated by Daniel Guemes Castorena and his wife, Erika Reyna Castro, both PADI certified divers and much more. Daniel is a PADI Instructor Development Course (IDC) Staff Instructor which means he is qualified to teach the teachers all the way to the Master Diver level. Erika herself is a PADI certified Assistant Instructor and Open Water Scuba Instructor. In other words, if you’re looking for PADI certification at any level, you cannot do better than the Dive Shop at Sonoran Sea Resort.
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Results from the scores of ten judges made after a blind reading of the 26 stories that qualified for the finals are now in and tabulated. The competition was as close as we thought it would be, with only a few points differentiating the second through fifth highest scoring stories. The Grand Prize winner’s story (published below) seemed to capture the hearts of the judges as it was a clear winner!
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On Sunday May 27th, our good friends, Mark and Barb Olszewski of the Adopt-a-Classroom (http://www.rockypointclassroom.com/ ) local Puerto Peñasco charity organization, took 20 generous contributors 27 miles southeast of Puerto Peñasco to Isla San Jorge (known locally as Bird Island) for some snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, bird and sea lion watching.
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