The annual Perseid meteor shower begins its most illustrious sequence in the wee hours of Sunday August 11th (that would actually be after midnight Saturday, right?) Don’t worry if you don’t read this until Sunday morning. You haven’t missed the best show of this shower, which will get even better between 2:00AM and just before dawn on Monday and Tuesday when the darkest part of the northeastern sky will be streaked with an average of 50 meteors an hour.
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Puerto Penasco Dreaming. Do you ever look up above the sea At the clouds in the sky floating so free Working with the sun as they go by To fling the rays of hope through the sky
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Puerto Penasco Dreaming is an inclusion of photos of the area with descriptive poetry or prose which appear for the enjoyment, hopefully, of our readers when the inspiration hits.
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It is no secret that the economic downturn around the world has taken its toll on the tourism-based economy of Puerto Peñasco leaving many families without work and in need of basics for survival, like food for themselves and their children. A worthwhile effort to put food on the tables of a lot of […]
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