Nearly 650 Rubber Duckies, over 200 Ducky Sponsors, 30 generous prize donors, nearly 70 big hearted volunteers and one 54’ fishing yacht donated by Captain and owner, Adolfo Perez, all came together on Sunday July 21st and exceeded the goal of raising enough money to take care of the expensive summer utilities of the nonprofit, all volunteer Esperanza Para Vida Nueva Community Center in Puerto Peñasco…
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Of the hundreds of aviary species around us here, many of which so rare or endangered that they are protected by international laws, one of the largest and most graceful is the Great Blue Heron. A bird of such uncommon beauty no matter how many times we are blessed with its presence, we stop in our tracks to appreciate the sight…
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Although identified by some taxonomists with the bird family of hawks (Falconiformes), Ospreys are quite different in their taxonomy; so different in fact, that they’ve been assigned their own species (Pandion Haliaetus). Even though it does resemble a Hawk or small Eagle from a distance and is sometimes referred to as “Sea Hawk”, “Fish Hawk” or “Fish Eagle”, the Osprey is none of those, and wouldn’t approve of that comparison either because it is a much more skilled angler than those birds. And you can watch them everyday on Sandy Beach in front of the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea Condominium Resorts in Rocky Point, Sonora, Mexico where all these photos were taken.
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