Great friend of Puerto Peñasco, Luis Garrido of Outta Town Productions is coming to town with one of his patented, fun beach game creations of the hilarious kind. You may know him from the beach volleyball tournaments he’s brought to Puerto Peñasco for nearly 25 years. Man, he started young! Luis also brought us InSandity, […]
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Back in 1999, the state of Sonora introduced a 25-page law designed specifically to protect the rights and preserve the facilitation of access for persons with disabilities. It’s called Ley 186 and it covers virtually every situation that persons with disabilities might encounter, especially in public areas and venues. Ley 186 encompasses the broadest definitions […]
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As we’ve become accustomed, the annual Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Night for Charity, held on the 4th of July this year, brought fun for hundreds of partiers and funds to make the going a little easier for several local charities…
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Interest and excitement for this, the fifth annual Las Vegas Night for Charity has been simply effervescent! Whether it’s because this year the event date falls on the 4th of July, or because attendees remember that it is a sold every year, Las Vegas Night for Charity is the major “buzz” throughout the community!out event
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Have you made your plans for Puerto Penasco on the 4th of July. Join your friends for Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Night for Charity at the Sky Beachfront resort and have some FUN!
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So put your money on a Ducky’s behind for just $5 dollars—or even better, get three numbers on three Duckies for just $10 dollars, and the coup de Ducky?, get six Duckies racing for you for just $20 ducks—err–bucks! All your money is going to make a bunch of Puerto Peñasco school children able to study more with the right kinds of supplies through the nonprofit organization, Adopt-a-Classroom, which helps thousands of kids in 13 schools, including one school in Port Lobo.
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Sandy Spain and Barb Olszewski get together every year and throw a great old fashioned pancake breakfast and silent auction that raises money to pay the electric bills to keep the non-profit Esperanza Para Nueva Vida Community Center in San Rafael open during the summer. This has kept the kids off the streets and the parents learning skills such as sewing, haircutting and computer use for years…
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“We have these tirelessly determined parents who have exhausted every means for taking care of their little son”, informs Mark. Their insurance, which covered most of the medical trips, was on the verge of expiring—that is until Mark and Frank spent some time with this small child who has already broken the “Cuteness” meter and, as Mark puts it, “Pulled every string in my heart, for sure.”
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Arguably one of the most successful motorcycle rallies south of the border, the Rocky Point Rally attracts thousands of peaceful, fun-loving two-wheel enthusiasts from throughout Mexico, the U.S. and Canada who grace our streets and jump start our tourist season each November since 2001.
Since the dates this year are so close to the first of the month, we thought a preview in the October newsletter would be in order to help those planning to come down for the biggest party of the year in our little slice of paradise by the sea…
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