Sister María Del Buen Consejo, Mother Superior of Casa Hogar home for the elderly, had an exciting month in September! She celebrated her birthday on the 16th, and the month was topped off with the installation of two new crosses and a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe, an event that moved her deeply and it showed.
The crosses are not just any crosses. They were handmade by Mike Bibb, who, with his wife Eilene, have installed 16 of his crosses in and around Puerto Peñasco so far.
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For the fifth consecutive year the Pelicans of Puerto Peñasco along with 80 to 100 of their fellow cyclists will gather at the Barclin Circle K Pemex Station (that’s the last one on the road to Sonoyta) for an 8:00 AM departure. Trophies will be awarded in three categories:
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When the popular Chango’s Bar and Grill located at the entrance to the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea Resorts became available recently, the Wrecked Group just could not resist the opportunity to add their creativity to a venue with which they were so familiar, especially considering the future fate of Wrecked at the Reef when the new home port construction begins…
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Barb and Mark Olszewski are launching the annual La Esperanza para Nueva Vida (Hope for New Life) Community Center drive to collect Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers that are distributed among the 500 or more neighborhood kids during the all afternoon celebration held at the center in December. This year they also plan,,,
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Their charitable work is appreciated by a list of organizations and individuals as long as Sandy Beach (O.K., depending on the font size you use to make up that list); and now it has been officially recognized as Mark and Barb Olszewski received a most deserved award from The Uncommon Women on Common Ground Group on Tuesday September 10, 2013.
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On the eve of Mexico’s most important holiday, as our pre-Independence Day blog explained, every town in the country celebrates Father Miguel Hidalgo’s historic declaration of independence from 300 years under Spanish rule, called the “El Grito” (or the “cry for independence”).
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Mexico’s Independence Day is the 16th of September, and is also known by the date (Dieciseis de Septiembre) officially celebrated from the evening of the 15th of September with serious partying through the wee hours of the 16th and all that day. Unofficially, it is celebrated the entire month of September, known as “el mes de la patria” or “the month of the homeland.” You’ve seen the flag wagons being pushed throughout the streets of Rocky Point since the beginning of the month proudly…
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Among many events planned by this forward thinking young organization, is one taking place tonight (Thursday September 12) at Ramon’s Restaurant in the Sonoran Sea in the form of a true Mexican Grand Soirée to raise funds that will go to assist four charitable causes here in Rocky Point: La Casa Hogar Esperanza Para Los Niños; Lion’s Club of Puerto Peñasco; Children’s Foundation; and the AJSonora Foundation for Children…
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Of course we have plenty of species that love it here in Puerto Peñasco and spend the year around, so, interspersed with some hot news about the exciting events coming up in Rocky Point during the next 60 days and longer, we’ll be sneaking in a few articles about one of the most unique aspects of wildlife we enjoy on a daily basis here on the edge of the Sea of Cortez….
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The fundraising goal for the Rubber Ducky Race in July was to raise enough money to cover the utility bills to keep the La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida Community Center open throughout the sweltering summer months so that scheduled programs could continue without a break in consistency. Just like the first race two years ago, the funds raised at this year’s race…
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