…you could pin it down to Saturday the 8th of December as events were taking place in the far reaches of Puerto Peñasco and beyond and community centers in the northern neighborhoods to the Esperanza para Los Niños shelter some 20 Kilometers outside the city…
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Saturday December 29th is the date set for the return of Steve McCarty and Friends to Puerto Peñasco. They will be appearing at Chango’s Bar and Grill located on the entrance road to the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea condominium resorts to help Chango’s celebrate their fifth year as the “In” place in Puerto Peñasco.
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It’s almost as if nature set them up for a limited existence on earth. Although their ancestors have been around for a couple of million years, the tiny (in comparison) Vaquita (Phocoena sinus) porpoise lives in a very small area covering just 4,000 square kilometers of the 177,000 sq. km. Sea of Cortez.
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About 15 years ago a Christmas Angel Tree program was started to help special needs children have a merry Christmas. You’ve seen the Angel Tree concept in U.S. malls where you can take a small angel from a large Christmas tree and each angel has a child’s name, age, clothing and shoe size and you can purchase and wrap a present that will go directly to the child.
With the exception of last year, that’s what has been happening in Puerto Peñasco on a slightly smaller scale—
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With 17 of the 20 available exhibit spaces sold for the first event and a steady stream of customers and visitors from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM last Saturday, the inaugural Mermaid’s Marketplace held in Rocky Point’s Shrimp Park can be considered nothing short of a success.
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Watching Jesus Felix mixing, kneading, cutting and shaping the dough for dozens of different kinds of breads, rolls and sweet goodies is a lesson in skilled consistency, attention to detail, complete understanding of what it takes to make bread products beyond good to the top of delicious—and that’s before…
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One of the oldest and more ubiquitous of those organizations is the major social assistance and family development program known as DIF (Desarrollo Integral de La Familia), founded in 1976 by the state of Sonora and designed to…
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On Saturday November 24th from 11:00AM until 4:00PM, local and visiting artists and crafts makers will gather once again in Fiesta Park of the Las Conchas residential community displaying their latest creations…
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Sonoran Resorts 2nd Annual Holiday Food Drive boxes are slowly but steadily growing at each of our sales offices in the Spa, Sea, Sun and Sky with donations of non-perishable food items—items that were brought down specifically for the Food Drive or items that remained after a visit, and we’re asking you to join in as well. It is a chance to give the ultimate thanks…
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If by chance you’ve been asking yourself or your mate this question, well, you’re not the only one. So we went on an all-you-can-eat fish fry affirmation expedition, starting with the most likely venues: those four long time Rocky Point Bars, Grills and Restaurants that pretty much started the bottomless fried fish platter
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