The contest ended in a flurry at midnight last night (Wednesday October 10, 2012) with several last minute entries arriving before the deadline. In about five days we’ll be announcing the winners of the Sonoran Resorts’ “Best Job in the World” Travel Writing contest, and the competition is going to very close!
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Sheri sets herself as an example to others, as well she should. After 8 years with the Sonoran Resorts, the fun, she says, is that most of her sales come from referrals by satisfied owners. During these tough worldwide economic times, her reputation has kept her a consistently high producer. She shares her excitement that the trend seems to be more positive this year with sales above the same period last year.
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Puerto Penasco Dreaming. Do you ever look up above the sea At the clouds in the sky floating so free Working with the sun as they go by To fling the rays of hope through the sky
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Until you’ve sailed, you might wonder about the free spirit that radiates from every sailor you ever met. But once you’ve been out there on the water, it becomes aqua clear that the fresh briny breeze coursing across the sea creates and fuels that special spirit in the sailor. That combination usually makes for a […]
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Puerto Penasco Dreaming is an inclusion of photos of the area with descriptive poetry or prose which appear for the enjoyment, hopefully, of our readers when the inspiration hits.
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To truly appreciate this event is to understand that the word “Taste” in this moniker is used in its full nuance from the word “Sabor” in Spanish which refers to much more than just the taste of food. It idiomatically encompasses all that makes a place, a thing, or an atmosphere endemically and invitingly pleasing to ones senses, like its color, its culture, its art, its people, its music, its dance, as well as its traditional foods and drinks.
With this understanding, may you go forth and fully enjoy the cultural as well as the culinary flavors of colorful Puerto Peñasco, Sonora Mexico at the 5th Annual “Taste of Peñasco”! It all starts at 11:00 A.M. and runs until 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at Plaza del Camarón (Shrimp Plaza) located on Benito Juarez across Fremont Street from City Hall.
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