It’s a sure bet that Marius Petipa, considered by many as the most influential ballet master that ever lived, the original choreographer of The Nutcracker Ballet, never imagined that it would begin a Christmas tradition in a small beach side town in Mexico called Puerto Peñasco. In fact, after the unsuccessful first run of his ballet in 1892, in spite of the musical score by none other than Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky…
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A bundle of tightly scheduled fun activities and entertainment awaited the nearly 6,000 bikers from around Mexico and the U.S. who converged on our little slice of paradise by the sea for the weekend of November 7-10, 2013. With the improving economy and scaled down media sensationalism over Mexico travel safety; we enjoyed…
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Steeped in 12 years of tradition that began in March of 2001 with a simple gesture by local hotelier (Playa Bonita Hotel owner), Harley enthusiast and passionate promoter of Puerto Peñasco, Oscar Palacio who first invited a couple of Mexican bike clubs from Mexicali and San Luis to rally for a weekend in Rocky Point…
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When the popular Chango’s Bar and Grill located at the entrance to the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea Resorts became available recently, the Wrecked Group just could not resist the opportunity to add their creativity to a venue with which they were so familiar, especially considering the future fate of Wrecked at the Reef when the new home port construction begins…
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On the eve of Mexico’s most important holiday, as our pre-Independence Day blog explained, every town in the country celebrates Father Miguel Hidalgo’s historic declaration of independence from 300 years under Spanish rule, called the “El Grito” (or the “cry for independence”).
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Mexico’s Independence Day is the 16th of September, and is also known by the date (Dieciseis de Septiembre) officially celebrated from the evening of the 15th of September with serious partying through the wee hours of the 16th and all that day. Unofficially, it is celebrated the entire month of September, known as “el mes de la patria” or “the month of the homeland.” You’ve seen the flag wagons being pushed throughout the streets of Rocky Point since the beginning of the month proudly…
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Friday and Saturday October 4th and 5th will mark the the third time this year, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers are gonna bless our little slice of paradise by the sea with their signature rock stylings that never fail to energize everyone within earshot…
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Disneyland. Wow! Just to visit would be a dream come true for most kids. But for 12 exceptional dance students from Destiny Dance Academy the Disney dream was taken to another memorable level when they were selected to represent not only Puerto Peñasco, but the country of Mexico and perform in two…
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We are fortunate here in Puerto Peñasco to have many cultural events throughout the year that include presentations of the historic folklore of this colorful country in the form of traditional foods, music, dance and song. There is also a modern cultural element in our little slice of paradise by the sea that is brought to us in the form of music, such as jazz; song, such as modern rock; and dance, such as ballet, tap, jazz and lyrical interpretation. It is the latter cultural contribution that we bring to you in today’s blog…
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Roger Clyne and The Peacemakers are such a stand out rock and roll phenomenon and of near incalculable importance to the economy of our little slice of paradise by the sea, yet they are the first to say that it’s their fans, affectionately known as the Peacemakers, that make it all possible year after year. So in the spirit of one of the most loyal fan bases of any music group, we salute the Peacemaker Fans this year…
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