Each and every year, as we mingle through the thousands of dedicated RCPM fans—most of whom regard Circus Mexicus as the zenith of their passion for rock and roll and a form of payback for their unshakable loyalty to Roger’s creative contributions to the genre over the last two decades—exclamations of delight […]
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“He is Risen!”, proclaims Pastor Tab Gray into the microphone. “Amen!” responds the excited standing room only crowd on the beach along with the dozens observing from the pool deck and balconies of Puerta Privada condominiums. Thus begins the moving sunrise Easter service held each year by Family of God Christian Fellowship at 8:00am—that’s sunrise […]
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Mountain View Presbyterian Church in Scottsdale has sponsored an outreach mission trip to Puerto Peñasco each November and April since 2014, the year Cyndi Connelly began serving her three year term as a Mission Elder. As condo owners, Cyndi and her husband, Gordon were familiar with the poverty stricken neighborhoods in this friendly little sea […]
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Semana Santa (Holy Week), the week leading up to Easter Sunday, is a Mexican national vacation week and traditionally brings the largest number of tourists into our otherwise peaceful little paradise by the sea. This year certainly kept the tradition alive with an estimated 135,000 visitors merging with the local population of around 60,000, pouring […]
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Shortly after taking over his new position as Mayor of Puerto Peñasco last September, the young, dynamic leader made what seemed to some as lofty promises of projects and actions he was going to implement within his first 100 days in office. We listed 12 of the projects on his list that were most relevant […]
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This impact study is aimed towards helping our readers understand more fully what a cruise ship departure and arrival port will mean to our little slice of paradise by the sea. In past articles we have covered statistics based on known actual expenditures by cruise passengers and crew members, proven arrival and departure patterns of […]
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Get healthy, have fun–bring your bicycle down to Rocky Point this weekend for the 7th Anniversary of Club Pelícanos Bicycle Race and Fun Ride starting at 8AM Sunday from Chango’s Seafood Restaurant and Bar in Sandy Beach….
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The passion behind Adopt-a-Classroom is extraordinary, and what has kept it a major asset to K-12 schools in Puerto Penasco for the last 15 years. But Mark and Barb Olszewski are dedicated to helping in all aspects of society where there is need. They are hard to keep up with, but we do, because of their value to the community.
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This year from June 8-13, for the first time in Utah Rotary District 5420 history, their annual conference was held not only outside Utah, but outside the U.S. Puerto Peñasco was the appreciative beneficiary of a phenomenal amount of Rotary services, donations, and presentations of valuable and needed equipment and funds during the conference…
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The great news is that the Sandy Beach Medical Services Membership program is now available! And it is made available through the many years of persistent study by Dr. Jesus González-Gaytán, an internist of unequaled professional ethics and medical skills whose sole intent is to provide affordable and available health services to the community of Puerto Peñasco…
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