Standing at the beach front of the Sonoran Sky Resort, I shake the sand off my shoes and wipe the salt from my face. It’s been a good day. A good run. I’m pleased with the settling of my heart rate and the slight burning in my quads. Today was my long run, twenty miles on the beach, and it was…
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It’s very rare indeed to spot any species of whale so close to Sandy Beach that you can see them from the balcony of your condominium, but, not for just a fleeting moment, not just a glimpse on a Sunday afternoon, but all afternoon Sunday and all afternoon Monday, spouts of sea water shot 30 feet into the air announcing …
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15 Interesting Seabird Facts. The terms Seabirds, Shorebirds, and Waterbirds as definitions are quite ambiguous and used interchangeably depending on which resource from which one gathers information. Therefore, in this article we’ll use the term Seabird as the catchall word for the birds about which we supply these fun and interesting facts.
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