Circus Mexicus is not just a musical event. What many of us look forward to each year is our Peacemaker Family coming together. I started a Facebook page four years ago in an effort to compliment fundraising efforts of the annual Hot Dog and A Smile event. It started out initially with the help of our good friends and Rocky Point residents Mark and Barb Olszewski getting us the Wish List. Each year our group has grown and now we have well over 500 members.
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On the occasion of Kids’ Day, officially April 30th, it’s all about fun, gifts of toys, food and entertainment directed specifically to bring smiles to the faces of babies and teenagers alike. Community centers (usually divided up by barrios-or neighborhoods) throughout the country plan and organize a daylong celebration to keep the kids active…
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Carlos and Michelle Hopkins have been running the Puerto Peñasco branch of their 30 year old family owned restaurant supply business now for about five years. They built a solid reputation among locals, visitors and chefs supplying food and supplies to restaurants all over town from their former warehouse facility near Josefa and Benito Juarez.
Adapting to the challenging economic times along with their customers, Michelle and Carlos recently moved their service to a smaller, more manageable store front on the corner of Juan de la Barrera and Kino, right across from Numeros next to the video store.
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