Mike Bibb seems to have no crosses to bear. That may very well be because he donates all his custom-made crosses to churches everywhere. Ten of those intricately handmade woodworks of art reside right here in our little slice of paradise inside and outside three churches plus the Esperanza Children’s Home.
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Back in January we published a blog about the abundance of helping hands from the American Community in Rocky Point featuring the selfless efforts of several residents of our community and how they helped the needy in several different charities locally. We wrote about Ron and Carol Okinga who, among other charities they help, were showing up at a small new Church every Saturday to cook a pancake breakfast for the neighborhood kids. The Church is called The Good Samaritan Church of God. You can read our blog about the church as it was then at https://www.sonoranresorts.mx/?p=3155 .
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Edgar and Alma, originally from the Douglas, Arizona, area along with Ron and Carol Okinga, originally from Las Cruces, New Mexico, host a pancake breakfast for all the neighborhood kids who want to show up. Ron and Carol bring a portable grill and set it up out back of the little one room chapel, still with dirt floor, and the kids come. Sometimes up to 60 of them. Alma was entertaining the kids inside by teaching them Sunday school songs which they eagerly and gleefully sang at the tops of their little voices. All in anticipation of lining up outside in orderly fashion to be handed their plate of pancakes and cup of orange juice–ladies first, of course.
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