The first Saturday in April was a day of endless activities for all ages, and that includes the vendors who jumped right into the spirit of the day at this First Annual Pirates and Mermaids Extravaganza. The festive event was created by the organizers of Mermaid’s Market, Russ and Naomi Black along with some of their faithful exhibitors who have offered their arts, crafts, gifts, and clothes for the two years of Mermaids Markets held every first and third Saturday of the fall, winter and spring months.
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2013 transposed to 2014 with so many good things going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that a couple more stories are in order to bring summary substance to the diversity of good people who perpetuate fulfillment of the many needs of Rocky Point’s poor.
Our first story is about the group of 70 or so LDS faithful from Mesa, Arizona’s Ray 2nd Ward Mormon Church who love Mexico, Puerto Peñasco and its people in particular. Though most had been enjoying the tranquil ambiance and mesmerizing natural beauty of the beach, the sea and surrounding desert for years, it was six years ago when they figured out ways they could help the locals they’d come to appreciate so much.
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Barb and Mark Olszewski are launching the annual La Esperanza para Nueva Vida (Hope for New Life) Community Center drive to collect Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers that are distributed among the 500 or more neighborhood kids during the all afternoon celebration held at the center in December. This year they also plan,,,
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After a successful event was held in the air conditioned luxury of the Sonoran Spa Beachfront Resort Condominium Lobby in July, it will return to that same location by popular demand for a one day exhibition on Saturday August 31st of Labor Day weekend. You’ll be able to satisfy your most pedantic arts and crafts cravings at this event from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM…
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On the occasion of Kids’ Day, officially April 30th, it’s all about fun, gifts of toys, food and entertainment directed specifically to bring smiles to the faces of babies and teenagers alike. Community centers (usually divided up by barrios-or neighborhoods) throughout the country plan and organize a daylong celebration to keep the kids active…
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Most local residents know how much Trish McCarty and her famous rock star husband, Steve McCarty love Puerto Peñasco as do many of their fans who’ve attended a Peñasco Palooza or even a Peñasco Business Expo and Iron Chef Competition where he has entertained. Always sharing a smile…
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About 15 years ago a Christmas Angel Tree program was started to help special needs children have a merry Christmas. You’ve seen the Angel Tree concept in U.S. malls where you can take a small angel from a large Christmas tree and each angel has a child’s name, age, clothing and shoe size and you can purchase and wrap a present that will go directly to the child.
With the exception of last year, that’s what has been happening in Puerto Peñasco on a slightly smaller scale—
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If you couldn’t make it out Friday the 20th of July to the first fundraiser held for Puerto Peñasco’s new wheel chair basketball team, Los Rolling Rockies, you missed a picture-perfect evening of fun…
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