The songs that play in Kathleen Duncan’s head, we can’t imagine, but she always makes sure we get the beat as we have faithfully watched her turn bad to good; pull pleasant from deplorable; change lives of dozens of children one by one and in small groups where her love could be spread to do […]
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“It has been a long time since the kids have asked for blankets,” Amores de Peñasco volunteer, Kathleen Duncan told Sonoran Resorts CEO, Fernando Anaya with sincere gratitude. It was only a day after Sonoran Resorts had used part of the funds raised from their annual Las Vegas Night for Charity fundraising event to purchase and install a heavy duty rooftop air conditioning unit at the DIF children’s crisis shelter in the San Rafael district of Puerto Peñasco…
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Last year’s successful diaper and wipes drive, affectionately labeled as the Tea Party and held at Giuseppi’s Espresso Cafe on Fremont Boulevard in June netted 5896 diapers and 5488 wipes, nearly a year’s supply for the children of the Amores de Peñasco shelter—quite a feat for a first year effort. It was also a testament to the breadth of kindness by the foreign residents and loyal visitors of our little slice of paradise by the sea…
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Since its beginning, the foundation’s mission has been to help the children of needy families obtain medical services for serious and life threatening diseases and conditions. Over the decade of its existence the Mexico Children’s Foundation has provided funds that have helped over one hundred children, saved the lives of several and made emergency medical services available to many dozens more. Even more amazing is that the entire organization is run totally by volunteers allowing 100% of every dollar donated to go directly to helping the children…
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There are so many reasons—over 2,500 of them actually—why Americans should support the Puerto Peñasco Red Cross with donations during their annual fundraising campaign that runs through the end of April. About this same time each year, regular visitors expect to see…
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Most local residents know how much Trish McCarty and her famous rock star husband, Steve McCarty love Puerto Peñasco as do many of their fans who’ve attended a Peñasco Palooza or even a Peñasco Business Expo and Iron Chef Competition where he has entertained. Always sharing a smile…
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Rocky Point’s new wheel chair basketball team, Los Rolling Rockies, continued their fundraising activities on Thursday with a “Segunda” (in the U.S. it’s called a yard sale) in front of the DIF Physical Rehab Center here. Mark and Barb Olszewski made available clothes they have collected through their loyal followers on Facebook, Rocky Point Talk, our own Sonoran Resorts web site Blog and monthly newsletter from our Director of Sales, Jim Ringquist, as well as from generous folks around town.
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On Sunday May 27th, our good friends, Mark and Barb Olszewski of the Adopt-a-Classroom ( ) local Puerto Peñasco charity organization, took 20 generous contributors 27 miles southeast of Puerto Peñasco to Isla San Jorge (known locally as Bird Island) for some snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, bird and sea lion watching.
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As with any volunteer effort, or any effort for that matter, the effectiveness of reaching goals is directly related to the motivation of those who are willing to take massive, immediate action to get stuff done. Enter Mark and Barb Olszewski who moved to Rocky Point nearly two decades ago from Tempe, Arizona and who are known and appreciated by dozens of charitable organizations and thousands of local citizens—kids and parents alike.
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