The fundraising goal for the Rubber Ducky Race in July was to raise enough money to cover the utility bills to keep the La Esperanza Para Nueva Vida Community Center open throughout the sweltering summer months so that scheduled programs could continue without a break in consistency. Just like the first race two years ago, the funds raised at this year’s race…
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Once again this year’s Tequila Festival, held on Saturday May 4th at what is becoming known and recognized as the Whale Hill Amphitheatre, accentuated pure Mexican folklore with an impressive mix of food, music, voice, dance, costumes and lights….
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Our announcement last month about the May 25th date for this year’s 2nd Annual Las Vegas Night for Charity hinted that this gala event would be even bigger and more exciting in its second year due to the overwhelming success of last year’s party. And we do mean party!
Now that planning has kicked into gear, the details are getting pretty exciting. Last year’s gala…
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Carlos and Michelle Hopkins have been running the Puerto Peñasco branch of their 30 year old family owned restaurant supply business now for about five years. They built a solid reputation among locals, visitors and chefs supplying food and supplies to restaurants all over town from their former warehouse facility near Josefa and Benito Juarez.
Adapting to the challenging economic times along with their customers, Michelle and Carlos recently moved their service to a smaller, more manageable store front on the corner of Juan de la Barrera and Kino, right across from Numeros next to the video store.
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If you were one of the crowd estimated at 1,000 to 1,200 in attendance at the 6th annual Taste of Peñasco T.O.P. Chef Competition and Show on Saturday February 16, you surely experienced the atmosphere of “perfection” that prevailed throughout Plaza de Camarón, starting with the weather, as perfect as it could be, and the 32 exhibits, sold out and offering a perfect selection of homemade, man made and fabricated arts, crafts and products, plus the food tents with perfectly prepared specialty dishes from all parts of Mexico, Italy, France, even Greece; the perfect mix of…
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In our blog earlier this week we indicated that the fourth judge for this year’s T.O.P. Chef Competition would not be revealed until the day of the contest. BREAKING NEWS! The fourth judge has been identified as…
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Taste of Peñasco, with its dozens of arts, crafts and food exhibits, hundreds of spectators flowing constantly throughout the main square known as Shrimp Plaza and continuous live music as a back drop for the downright exciting T.O.P. Chef Competition (originally known as the “Iron Chef “) has grown exponentially every year and become one of Rocky Point’s most anticipated events…
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On Saturday November 24th from 11:00AM until 4:00PM, local and visiting artists and crafts makers will gather once again in Fiesta Park of the Las Conchas residential community displaying their latest creations…
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For the second year Sonoran Resorts are encouraging everyone to donate whatever non-perishable foods you can spare or choose to donate to be distributed to the many families in Puerto Peñasco who have been affected by the devastating crash of the tourism-based economy here over the last several years…
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After an easy motorcycle insurance purchase, a simple border crossing, and a beautiful wide road that meandered through the desert and sand dunes we arrived at our hotel on the beach. The salt air, clear blue water and resort complexes spoke to my husband’s sense of comfort.
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