¡Viva Mexico! The exclamation points represent arms thrust into the air in utter bewilderment. Our home port construction progress is facing yet another delay. This one even more bazaar than the rock quarry not producing the size stones needed as originally planned. This time, although, thankfully, just another delay is caused by a lack of […]
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When conducting research for the blog on Barb’s great Rubber Ducky Race in July, the rather creative term for a group of ducks, “a paddling” (along with several others as in the headline above), got us wondering how much fun it would be to see what words our imaginative ancestors came up with to describe groups of other animals. And sure enough, it was certainly an interesting delve into history, conflict and clever interpretation dating, in some cases, back to the 16th century…
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Well, El Pescadito is only new to our pond. It’s actually a 14 year old franchise operation with 28 restaurants nationwide and a very successful franchise concept involving proprietary recipes, secret sauces and dressings, cleanliness, training and service.
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After an easy motorcycle insurance purchase, a simple border crossing, and a beautiful wide road that meandered through the desert and sand dunes we arrived at our hotel on the beach. The salt air, clear blue water and resort complexes spoke to my husband’s sense of comfort.
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Although identified by some taxonomists with the bird family of hawks (Falconiformes), Ospreys are quite different in their taxonomy; so different in fact, that they’ve been assigned their own species (Pandion Haliaetus). Even though it does resemble a Hawk or small Eagle from a distance and is sometimes referred to as “Sea Hawk”, “Fish Hawk” or “Fish Eagle”, the Osprey is none of those, and wouldn’t approve of that comparison either because it is a much more skilled angler than those birds. And you can watch them everyday on Sandy Beach in front of the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea Condominium Resorts in Rocky Point, Sonora, Mexico where all these photos were taken.
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Just off the beach in front of the Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Spa Resort Condominiums it is common to see dolphins frolicking and jumping above the surface of the Sea of Cortez almost year around. They are such fun to watch and the opportunity to see them, though frequent, never gets old.
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In a new series of person to person articles, we are periodically conducting impromptu and informal interviews with our Sonoran Resorts guests who are willing to share a brief glimpse into why they love Rocky Point and for how long they have loved our little town by the sea. As you will see in our […]
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