The first Saturday in April was a day of endless activities for all ages, and that includes the vendors who jumped right into the spirit of the day at this First Annual Pirates and Mermaids Extravaganza. The festive event was created by the organizers of Mermaid’s Market, Russ and Naomi Black along with some of their faithful exhibitors who have offered their arts, crafts, gifts, and clothes for the two years of Mermaids Markets held every first and third Saturday of the fall, winter and spring months.
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You’ve probably seen at least one API photo coverage of those recent rad rages called Color Runs (or Toma Color in Spanish) where hundreds of runners get doused in puffs of brightly colored, harmless, powder as they run or walk or dance past stations set up for that specific purpose, on their way through a 5k course. They are usually held to raise money for a charitable cause. Popular in the U.S. for the last couple of years, they’ve now extended to most of the world including Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Puerto Rico and other countries.
Recently, a group of friends, all young business entrepreneurs here in Puerto Peñasco, put their altruistic heads together for a way to help expedite final stages of the DIF Hemodialysis Center project headed by First Lady Rafaela Félix de Figueroa. They wanted something fun that would appeal to all ages thus maximizing the potential number of participants in the event. They went with the Toma Color concept since it is catching on so fast throughout the Latin American countries. This creative group could not have made a better decision.
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As have most of Roger’s goals, his dream of having a cantina in which to hang out and play his inimitable brand of rock and roll has come to fruition with the recent acquisition of The Hut in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico also known as Rocky Point by the multitudes of Americans, mostly Arizonans who claim its golden sandy beaches as their own.
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Upon entering the Malecón, Calle Ulloa is the first side street along the main drag and when you look up that little street you can’t help but see Viva Mexico on the left with its upstairs balcony and colorful sign that invites you to enjoy…
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In a classic move to continue their high level of service to owners, guests and visitors, Sonoran Resorts have recruited a wedding and event planning expert who occupies the Concierge office in the Sonoran Sky Luxury Resort Condominium on Sandy Beach here in Puerto Peñasco.
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We’ve written about Brother’s Pizza and CS Supply. Now we get to write about both of them together as Carlos and Michelle Hopkins of CS Supply have taken over the management of Brother’s Pizza. They were the perfect couple to take on this endeavor since they sold most of the equipment to build the kitchen and bar in the beginning. So, it was only natural that when Bob Rabicoff found out he had to relocate to a different climate for health reasons, he and wife, Penny approached…
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When Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers come to Rocky Point in January, they come to jam! That’s what we’ve come to expect and that’s exactly what they deliver—and then some! This year’s January Jam of two nights held over the weekend of January 24th and 25th was a bit beyond exceptional up to and including the weather. The Jam began with the Friday night show at The Hut (formerly Chango’s) and of course Saturday at JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay where…
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There are still a limited number of seats available on a first come, first served basis.
Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers have created a January tradition in Rocky Point that started in 2008 when they played some new songs for a small crowd of their loyal fans at JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay.
Each year since, more and more fans have shown up for what is now more like a “mini” Circus Mexicus as this gang of pure rock ‘n’ rollers bring a variety of friends with more new songs and entertainment in two nights at two venues: The Hut (formerly Chango’s); and JJ’s Cantina. RCPM appear both nights—hey, it IS a Jam, right?
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2013 transposed to 2014 with so many good things going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that a couple more stories are in order to bring summary substance to the diversity of good people who perpetuate fulfillment of the many needs of Rocky Point’s poor.
Our first story is about the group of 70 or so LDS faithful from Mesa, Arizona’s Ray 2nd Ward Mormon Church who love Mexico, Puerto Peñasco and its people in particular. Though most had been enjoying the tranquil ambiance and mesmerizing natural beauty of the beach, the sea and surrounding desert for years, it was six years ago when they figured out ways they could help the locals they’d come to appreciate so much.
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This is going to be another one of those “Don’t Miss This!” weekends in our little slice of paradise by the sea as Roger Clyne and his Peacemakers converge on their favorite third world cantina (Patio Stage at JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay) to jam for their loyal fans, a January tradition since ’08…
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