This year, the Duckies will be racing on Sunday June the 8th, purposely timed for the same weekend of Roger Clyne’s Circus Mexicus Concert so more folks can have a chance to purchase Duckies for the race. Remember that 100% of all the funds collected for Rubber Ducky entries will go toward this year’s goals, which are divided between: 1.) To provide emergency back-up funds for transportation to out of town doctor’s appointments for people in need, and 2.) To provide travel expenses for the kids who qualify for the Paralympics this year.
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Eighteen months ago when Kathleen Duncan from Arizona’s iconic Duncan Family Farms decided she wanted to start giving back to this community that had showered so much pleasure upon her and the Duncan family over the last 25 years, she admittedly did not know where she could help, just that she wanted to help where her contributions could do the most good, and where they were most needed.
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The first Saturday in April was a day of endless activities for all ages, and that includes the vendors who jumped right into the spirit of the day at this First Annual Pirates and Mermaids Extravaganza. The festive event was created by the organizers of Mermaid’s Market, Russ and Naomi Black along with some of their faithful exhibitors who have offered their arts, crafts, gifts, and clothes for the two years of Mermaids Markets held every first and third Saturday of the fall, winter and spring months.
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If timing is everything, then Kip and Debbie Evans have it all with their new Rocky Point Wine Shoppe and Concierge with an outside entrance on the east side of the Sonoran Spa lobby.
They bring a very special expertise to our little slice of paradise by the sea: For the last 15 years they have served the private jet owners in Scottsdale Air Park with full catering and personal shopping needs. The fact that they regularly serve celebrities, high government officials and royalty from around the world, has given them the widest range of service and shopping experience as possible in the industry.
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You’ve probably seen at least one API photo coverage of those recent rad rages called Color Runs (or Toma Color in Spanish) where hundreds of runners get doused in puffs of brightly colored, harmless, powder as they run or walk or dance past stations set up for that specific purpose, on their way through a 5k course. They are usually held to raise money for a charitable cause. Popular in the U.S. for the last couple of years, they’ve now extended to most of the world including Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Puerto Rico and other countries.
Recently, a group of friends, all young business entrepreneurs here in Puerto Peñasco, put their altruistic heads together for a way to help expedite final stages of the DIF Hemodialysis Center project headed by First Lady Rafaela Félix de Figueroa. They wanted something fun that would appeal to all ages thus maximizing the potential number of participants in the event. They went with the Toma Color concept since it is catching on so fast throughout the Latin American countries. This creative group could not have made a better decision.
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As have most of Roger’s goals, his dream of having a cantina in which to hang out and play his inimitable brand of rock and roll has come to fruition with the recent acquisition of The Hut in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico also known as Rocky Point by the multitudes of Americans, mostly Arizonans who claim its golden sandy beaches as their own.
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13 year old María Alejandra has been carried almost constantly in the loving arms of her mother, Margarita (Maggie) Gama Núñez, since the age of two. Alejandra was severely disabled as a result of infant vaccinations that went terribly wrong. Since the tragedy, Maggie’s relentless dedication to providing the 24 hour care that Alejandra requires while pursuing every possible avenue of rehabilitation and medical treatment for herhas been nothing short of heroic.
Surviving on hope and faith that some form of medical innovation will improve the life of her daughter, Maggie has sought, and received assistance from DIF (the quasi-state government office of family assistance for needy and disabled citizens and families) for medications, rehabilitation and medical procedures for Alejandra.
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You’ve probably seen at least one API photo coverage of those recent rad rages called Color Runs (in Spanish it’s Toma Color) where hundreds of runners get doused in puffs of brightly colored, harmless, powder as they run or walk or dance their way through a 5k course to raise money for a charity or other altruistic cause. Popular in the U.S. for the last couple of years, they’ve now extended to most of the world including Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Puerto Rico and other countries.
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We’re not talking about just the Churros and Elotes here. At Churros y Elotes Peñasco, a staple in our little slice of paradise by the sea for the last 33 years, you’ll find a variety of distinctively flavorful purely Mexican snacks so vast, fresh and appetizing they could replace your dinner if you’re not careful….
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Upon entering the Malecón, Calle Ulloa is the first side street along the main drag and when you look up that little street you can’t help but see Viva Mexico on the left with its upstairs balcony and colorful sign that invites you to enjoy…
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