Rocky Point’s new wheel chair basketball team, Los Rolling Rockies, continued their fundraising activities on Thursday with a “Segunda” (in the U.S. it’s called a yard sale) in front of the DIF Physical Rehab Center here. Mark and Barb Olszewski made available clothes they have collected through their loyal followers on Facebook, Rocky Point Talk, our own Sonoran Resorts web site Blog and monthly newsletter from our Director of Sales, Jim Ringquist, as well as from generous folks around town.
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Between Ajo and Lukeville, Arizona, on your way to or from Puerto Peñasco in the state of Sonora, Mexico, lay one of the most beautiful stretches of our Sonoran Desert, the most highly vegetated desert in the world.
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We’ve received so many positive responses to our announcements about the Sonoran Resorts “Why I Love Rocky Point” Best Job in the World Travel Writing Contest that we know this is going to be an exciting adventure for everyone involved!
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Although identified by some taxonomists with the bird family of hawks (Falconiformes), Ospreys are quite different in their taxonomy; so different in fact, that they’ve been assigned their own species (Pandion Haliaetus). Even though it does resemble a Hawk or small Eagle from a distance and is sometimes referred to as “Sea Hawk”, “Fish Hawk” or “Fish Eagle”, the Osprey is none of those, and wouldn’t approve of that comparison either because it is a much more skilled angler than those birds. And you can watch them everyday on Sandy Beach in front of the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea Condominium Resorts in Rocky Point, Sonora, Mexico where all these photos were taken.
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You know the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Well, our new Sonoran Resorts Travel Writing Contest is about the “thousand words” because sometimes painting a picture with a thousand words is at least as effective at conveying the emotion, details and even the color, when it’s about a destination that you love. That’s because, with words, you can emphasize the story behind the beauty of a destination like Rocky Point.
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If you couldn’t make it out Friday the 20th of July to the first fundraiser held for Puerto Peñasco’s new wheel chair basketball team, Los Rolling Rockies, you missed a picture-perfect evening of fun…
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In an informal, but well-attended ceremony on Friday July 13, 2012, Fernando Anaya, Director General of Sonoran Resorts and Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing and Event Coordinator, presented a check for $5,000 to the very grateful President of DIF (the city’s 36 year old municipal family assistance program), Marcela Albelaiz de Zepeda, accompanied by her husband, Puerto Peñasco Mayor Alejandro Zepeda Munro and Imelda Zamudio Sanchez, Director of DIF. The check represented the funds raised from ticket sales to the very successful Las Vegas Night for Charity sponsored by the Sonoran Resorts and the City of Puerto Peñasco that was held in the Sonoran Sky Resort Condominium Restaurant on Saturday July 7th, 2012
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Saturday July 7, 2012 was a memorable night of charity for the Sonoran Resorts and City of Peñasco DIF (Family Development Program) and we posted a lot of photos yesterday showing many of the nice folks who participated in the Las Vegas style casino evening and helped raise $5,000 for that well deserving effort. Just […]
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About two hundred guests graced the restaurant venue at the Sonoran Sky Condominium Resort in Puerto Peñasco Saturday nightlending their support to raise funds for DIF; the city sponsored family assistance charity organization that has helped needy children and adults of this port city for 36 years.
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Have a Great 4th of July In Puerto Peñasco or Wherever You Are!
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