In last month’s PART X of our monthly series of reports on the impact the upcoming home port will have on the economy of our little slice of paradise by the sea, we hope you may have begun to realize that said impact will be Home Port 2-14-15 (2) greater, wider, longer, deeper, more angular, higher, more inner and inter-twined, intricately webbed and woven than you could have reasonably imagined…
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The week between Christmas and New Years marked another incredible act of kindness by the 10 year old volunteer group, Families Helping Families (FHF) numbering approximately 200 and made up of role model parents and their devoted off spring, mostly of the Mormon faith from Utah and surrounding states…
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Sonoran Resorts 2nd Annual Holiday Food Drive boxes are slowly but steadily growing at each of our sales offices in the Spa, Sea, Sun and Sky with donations of non-perishable food items—items that were brought down specifically for the Food Drive or items that remained after a visit, and we’re asking you to join in as well. It is a chance to give the ultimate thanks…
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