We all know what an increase of 3,500 visitors arriving pretty much all at once upon our little pueblo can make to our economy (that’s about how many passengers an average small cruise ship carries). The annual bike rally brings those kinds of tourists to town; Roger Clyne’s fans hit that mark during his Circus Meximus; Spring Break is yet another period that brings young visitors to town in large numbers…
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Our long awaited cruise port construction is underway, which means the Proverbial Clock has started ticking on the time line for completing infrastructure required to handle the economic impact of what will amount to a burst, although a continuous one, a predictable one, of tourism from this uniquely distinct cruise segment.
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In a recent private meeting between Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales for the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, this writer, and Gus Brown, Puerto Peñasco’s iconic, almost mysterious behind-the-scenes devoted doer, best known for jump starting the condominium building boom along Sandy Beach, but in recent years for his dedication to the undying dream of making Puerto Peñasco a Home Port for major cruise ships. Gus gave us a two and a half hour historical review of his Sandy Beach Master Plan, taking us from its conception through to the date of this writing.
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