“We have these tirelessly determined parents who have exhausted every means for taking care of their little son”, informs Mark. Their insurance, which covered most of the medical trips, was on the verge of expiring—that is until Mark and Frank spent some time with this small child who has already broken the “Cuteness” meter and, as Mark puts it, “Pulled every string in my heart, for sure.”
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On the occasion of Kids’ Day, officially April 30th, it’s all about fun, gifts of toys, food and entertainment directed specifically to bring smiles to the faces of babies and teenagers alike. Community centers (usually divided up by barrios-or neighborhoods) throughout the country plan and organize a daylong celebration to keep the kids active…
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Rocky Point’s new wheel chair basketball team, Los Rolling Rockies, continued their fundraising activities on Thursday with a “Segunda” (in the U.S. it’s called a yard sale) in front of the DIF Physical Rehab Center here. Mark and Barb Olszewski made available clothes they have collected through their loyal followers on Facebook, Rocky Point Talk, our own Sonoran Resorts web site Blog and monthly newsletter from our Director of Sales, Jim Ringquist, as well as from generous folks around town.
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