Get healthy, have fun–bring your bicycle down to Rocky Point this weekend for the 7th Anniversary of Club Pelícanos Bicycle Race and Fun Ride starting at 8AM Sunday from Chango’s Seafood Restaurant and Bar in Sandy Beach….
Get healthy, have fun–bring your bicycle down to Rocky Point this weekend for the 7th Anniversary of Club Pelícanos Bicycle Race and Fun Ride starting at 8AM Sunday from Chango’s Seafood Restaurant and Bar in Sandy Beach….
Departure was scheduled for 8:00AM from the Barclin Pemex/Circle K (the last stop on the Sonoyta Highway), but nearly a hundred entrants were gathered by 7:00 for an hour or so of preparation, double-checking and testing equipment and sharing what was obvious camaraderie among a genre of like-minded, totally fat-free fit folks out to test their skills and stamina against those of their peers doing what they love—pushing the bike and themselves to the limit from start to finish.
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