Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can’t address the many short subjects with proper attention in our blog. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page to appear on our blog site and in Jim’s monthly newsletter to cover those short subjects that deserve updates, follow-ups and reminders to keep you out of trouble, make you 46% smarter, and 11% more likely to lead the conversation in a social gathering. June is definitely one of those Potpourri Page months. Read on…
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Expertise abounds within the RockyPoint360 organization and, along with the passion of its founding family, plays a crucial role in paving the successful pathway they are taking. The RockyPoint360 family is very much that, a family. The founding team consists of two siblings, Architect Plinio Rivero Lavín, his brother, Graphics Designer Ariel González Lavín, along with Plinio’s wife of 15 years, Linguist and Writer Shandra (Sami) Keesecker-Rivero and Ariel’s longtime partner, Visual Artist and Writer Karla (MoKa) Hammeken…
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It’s a highly anticipated tradition that Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers come to town the first weekend in June with thousands of their loyal fans (last year fans came from 32 states and 7 countries) and rock our little slice of paradise by the sea into a musical frenzy. It’s called Circus Mexicus, a rock and roll festival that is four days and nights of non-stop partying, beach soccer, golf, hot dogs and, did we mention Rock and Roll?
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Dr. Jesús González-Gaytán came to Puerto Peñasco about seven years ago on a mission—to build a full service medical center that could handle the emerging medical tourism market in this booming resort destination. The spiraling momentum of investments and building in this heretofore undiscovered paradise seemed unstoppable. It may have survived any kind of economic down turn except for one that involved a bubble that burst world-wide , which is exactly what happened. But the Sandy Beach Medical Center was only part of the Doctor’s master plan for Puerto Peñasco. Dr. González had come to Rocky Point from one of the largest and most successful medical tourism health care organizations in the country, AMERIMED Hospitals. Dr. González could clearly see that the destiny of Puerto Peñasco is to become the throttle of tourism growth for the entire country as a dominant world class destination…
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When Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers come to Rocky Point in January, they come to jam! That’s what we’ve come to expect and that’s exactly what they deliver—and then some! This year’s January Jam of two nights held over the weekend of January 24th and 25th was a bit beyond exceptional up to and including the weather. The Jam began with the Friday night show at The Hut (formerly Chango’s) and of course Saturday at JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay where…
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There are still a limited number of seats available on a first come, first served basis.
Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers have created a January tradition in Rocky Point that started in 2008 when they played some new songs for a small crowd of their loyal fans at JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay.
Each year since, more and more fans have shown up for what is now more like a “mini” Circus Mexicus as this gang of pure rock ‘n’ rollers bring a variety of friends with more new songs and entertainment in two nights at two venues: The Hut (formerly Chango’s); and JJ’s Cantina. RCPM appear both nights—hey, it IS a Jam, right?
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This is going to be another one of those “Don’t Miss This!” weekends in our little slice of paradise by the sea as Roger Clyne and his Peacemakers converge on their favorite third world cantina (Patio Stage at JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay) to jam for their loyal fans, a January tradition since ’08…
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In keeping with his pre-election promises, Mayor Gerardo Figueroa Zazueta continues to secure funding and initiate road improvement projects to better the infrastructure of our little slice of paradise by the sea.
Completion of the Cholla Road extension by the new Convention Center was followed by the beginning of repavement work on Benito Juarez, and now we can count on a smooth ride down Samuel Ocaña that will allow us
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There are approximately 80 different species of whale with two suborders to which all species of whales belong: toothed whales and baleen whales. Toothed whales include sperm, killer, and beluga whales, and they prey on large fish in deep waters as their main source of food. Baleen whales include blue and humpback whales, and they are filter feeders that feed on small organisms such as krill and plankton by straining large amounts of sea water through a comb-like structure in their mouth called a baleen…
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What a pleasant trip it is to get to know this guy named John C. Fowler III who, 31 years ago helped a friend throw a children’sChristmas party at JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay which he co-owns with partner Joe Anacleto. His friend, Agustín León, had come to John with an idea to have a party for the local kids from Cholla Bay on Christmas Day.
John remembers, “I gave him some money to buy candy and cookies and he was to go around and tell the children to be there for the party. My job was to…
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