Expertise abounds within the RockyPoint360 organization and, along with the passion of its founding family, plays a crucial role in paving the successful pathway they are taking. The RockyPoint360 family is very much that, a family. The founding team consists of two siblings, Architect Plinio Rivero Lavín, his brother, Graphics Designer Ariel González Lavín, along with Plinio’s wife of 15 years, Linguist and Writer Shandra (Sami) Keesecker-Rivero and Ariel’s longtime partner, Visual Artist and Writer Karla (MoKa) Hammeken…
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It’s a highly anticipated tradition that Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers come to town the first weekend in June with thousands of their loyal fans (last year fans came from 32 states and 7 countries) and rock our little slice of paradise by the sea into a musical frenzy. It’s called Circus Mexicus, a rock and roll festival that is four days and nights of non-stop partying, beach soccer, golf, hot dogs and, did we mention Rock and Roll?
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When good friends get together for a brainstorming session, something good usually results. With the objective of diversifying some of their investments, four local business leaders recently put their heads together, pooled their talents, expertise and resources to develop a unique dining experience in Puerto Peñasco. The four brains involved belong to Martín Martínez of Terranova Properties, which include two restaurants; Eddie Wharez of fine furniture and interior design fame; Carmen Martens of Sushi Sun Japanese Restaurant fame, and Jorge Bonillas, professor at Cetmar Center for Technological Studies of the Sea. The finished product is Bacanora Grill…
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It’s going to be a great weekend with the 4th of July on Friday and the Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Casino Night on Saturday the 5th—so much so that you may want to consider bringing those family members you’ve been wanting to introduce to Rocky Point for awhile!
The event this year will again be held in the spacious Los Volcanes ballroom on the second floor of the Sonoran Sky. You will enjoy your choice of Black Jack and Roulette all evening to build a stack of chips with which you’ll be able to…
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Dr. Jesús González-Gaytán came to Puerto Peñasco about seven years ago on a mission—to build a full service medical center that could handle the emerging medical tourism market in this booming resort destination. The spiraling momentum of investments and building in this heretofore undiscovered paradise seemed unstoppable. It may have survived any kind of economic down turn except for one that involved a bubble that burst world-wide , which is exactly what happened. But the Sandy Beach Medical Center was only part of the Doctor’s master plan for Puerto Peñasco. Dr. González had come to Rocky Point from one of the largest and most successful medical tourism health care organizations in the country, AMERIMED Hospitals. Dr. González could clearly see that the destiny of Puerto Peñasco is to become the throttle of tourism growth for the entire country as a dominant world class destination…
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The largest, longest running (16 consecutive years)—and, arguably, the most fun—Día de la Santa Cruz celebration here in Puerto Peñasco is the one held on the next street north behind the Fifth Avenue shops, also known as the Cholla Mall shops, and other endearing names, called Barrio or Colonia Obrera. Their festivity attracts 300 to 500 attendees each of the two nights from all over the city because it’s so popular…
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This year, the Duckies will be racing on Sunday June the 8th, purposely timed for the same weekend of Roger Clyne’s Circus Mexicus Concert so more folks can have a chance to purchase Duckies for the race. Remember that 100% of all the funds collected for Rubber Ducky entries will go toward this year’s goals, which are divided between: 1.) To provide emergency back-up funds for transportation to out of town doctor’s appointments for people in need, and 2.) To provide travel expenses for the kids who qualify for the Paralympics this year.
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Eighteen months ago when Kathleen Duncan from Arizona’s iconic Duncan Family Farms decided she wanted to start giving back to this community that had showered so much pleasure upon her and the Duncan family over the last 25 years, she admittedly did not know where she could help, just that she wanted to help where her contributions could do the most good, and where they were most needed.
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In Part II of our ongoing series about the impact our home port will have on Puerto Peñasco, we established how and why the cruise passenger market is such a different breed of tourist than all the other segments in the industry, and how the cruise industry benefits from knowing more detail about their passengers’ cruise experience than any other provider of tourist services in the industry.
To summarize the cruise passenger mindset from what the industry has learned and on which the industry stays über current: A spoiled passenger is a satisfied passenger, which makes for a repeat passenger. Simple enough, right? The simple answer is, yes, it is a simple formula.
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If timing is everything, then Kip and Debbie Evans have it all with their new Rocky Point Wine Shoppe and Concierge with an outside entrance on the east side of the Sonoran Spa lobby.
They bring a very special expertise to our little slice of paradise by the sea: For the last 15 years they have served the private jet owners in Scottsdale Air Park with full catering and personal shopping needs. The fact that they regularly serve celebrities, high government officials and royalty from around the world, has given them the widest range of service and shopping experience as possible in the industry.
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