…over the past 18 months we have increased our staffing, provided training to our caregivers and had the full time services of a psychologist and teacher available for our kids thanks to support from many of you. So today, instead of our kids being several years behind academically and exhibiting a variety of emotional and behavioral issues, for the most part they are incredibly happy, loving, well-adjusted kids who are doing well academically. Meanwhile, we have been doing a lot of community outreach to try to find wonderful local families willing to adopt our kids and I am thrilled to report that we now have 9 children out with families in the process of being adopted and three families ready to begin the adoption process with 5 more of our kids!
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With so many good hearted groups and individuals eager to help the community they love to visit or reside in, there’s hardly, if ever, a day where amazing acts of kindness and charity don’t change the life of a child, a family or a whole neighborhood of children or adults.
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From early evening throngs of visitors moved in waves toward the Malecon for sunset, more beers and even more bandas and music, making the weekend one wild, colorful, continuous national Mexican party…These photos show that even the adjusted projections may not have been high enough.
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Dates are set, tickets are selling at a quick pace, and RCPM is surely already looking forward to wrapping up their Spring tour at their favorite 3rd World cantina. There are ten other bands invited by Roger & The Peacemakers to join them at Circus Mexicus this year. It’s not unusual for them to invite […]
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Even with only 30 of the world’s 2000 cruise ports, North America remains the dominant market with a global share of 55.5%. The U.S. truly drives the world’s cruise market, contributing $44.1 billion to the U.S. economy generating 363.133 US jobs paying wages of $18.3 billion. The cruise industry impacted the economies of all 50 US states in 2013…
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Known as a Color Run in English and called Toma Color in Spanish, it’s the fastest growing race event in history. A 5km run where participants jog through 4 to 6 stations manned by a handful of staff who douse them with brightly colored, harmless powder throughout the course. Arrival at theDSC_0105 finish line, each participant showered in a rainbow of colors, can’t help but turn into a party you have to see to believe…
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Since its inception in 2002, StarShine has believed that a holistic approach to education is the best way to teach a child and ultimately improve the world. StarShine principles are based on the belief that nobody knows everything; that a person only knows what he knows, and therefore, every teacher is a student and every student is a teacher. The 15 Guiding Principles (which, because of their critical importance, are reproduced below in their entirety) are the philosophical fountain from which the StarShine Academy curriculum is designed and is credited with earning so many international scholastic, educational and peace-oriented awards…
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We all know what an increase of 3,500 visitors arriving pretty much all at once upon our little pueblo can make to our economy (that’s about how many passengers an average small cruise ship carries). The annual bike rally brings those kinds of tourists to town; Roger Clyne’s fans hit that mark during his Circus Meximus; Spring Break is yet another period that brings young visitors to town in large numbers…
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Approximately 80 species of whales roam the world’s oceans and seas, and about one third of them spend time in the nourishing warm waters of the Sea of Cortez, either as permanent residents like the fin and sperm whales. A good many of the rest of the species at least drop by the southern entrance to the middle of the Sea during their migration in search of mates and to enjoy the variety of foods that live here…
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Since the age of five, Karen Aldridge has lived near beaches; around San Francisco and Anaheim, visiting other beach destinations like San Diego, Tijuana, Ensenada and Estero Beach with her family, and later as an adult with Chuck, her husband of more than 30 years.
From their very first date in April of 1980 this friendly, easy going couple have been in love and…
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