What’s one thing—other than skill, talent, versatility and professionalism—that the All Star musicians headlining the March 17 Peñasco Palooza 2012 have in common? They all developed a great love of some musical instrument at a very early age. In many cases, the instrument they learned to play, some as early as 4 years of age, is not the one they now play to the professional perfection that helped take them to platinum stardom.
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To truly appreciate this event is to understand that the word “Taste” in this moniker is used in its full nuance from the word “Sabor” in Spanish which refers to much more than just the taste of food. It idiomatically encompasses all that makes a place, a thing, or an atmosphere endemically and invitingly pleasing to ones senses, like its color, its culture, its art, its people, its music, its dance, as well as its traditional foods and drinks.
With this understanding, may you go forth and fully enjoy the cultural as well as the culinary flavors of colorful Puerto Peñasco, Sonora Mexico at the 5th Annual “Taste of Peñasco”! It all starts at 11:00 A.M. and runs until 5:00 P.M. on Saturday, February 11, 2012 at Plaza del Camarón (Shrimp Plaza) located on Benito Juarez across Fremont Street from City Hall.
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At best, today’s article can only be classified as “Off Topic” since few of the facts below have anything to do with Rocky Point, Sonora, Mexico, tourism, tequila, or the Sonoran Resorts, but, none the less, we hope you will find interesting, fun, fascinating or all three. Enjoy!
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It’s a miniature Giuseppi’s located in the Activity Center at Sonoran Spa next to the mini-mart. It is open from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday. If you are visiting, or living in the Sandy Beach area, besides the convenience, a good reason to stop by is for Giuseppi’s famous cinnamon buns—made with mashed potatoes! They are uniquely delicious and compliment a cup of mocha café ma-h-h-velously.
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Well, rest easy all you Pilgrims of Paradise Found, for that extension road is now a reality and awaits you with a smooth ride all the way from the Laguna del Mar exit off Highway 8 to the parking lot of your favorite resort!
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In a recent private meeting between Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales for the Sonoran Resorts Sales Group, this writer, and Gus Brown, Puerto Peñasco’s iconic, almost mysterious behind-the-scenes devoted doer, best known for jump starting the condominium building boom along Sandy Beach, but in recent years for his dedication to the undying dream of making Puerto Peñasco a Home Port for major cruise ships. Gus gave us a two and a half hour historical review of his Sandy Beach Master Plan, taking us from its conception through to the date of this writing.
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Home of the Brave Concerts (HOTBC) first started handling Roger Clyne and the Peace Makers famous “Circus Mexicus” summer concerts about three years ago, then expanded to manage the entertainment for the first annual Peñasco Palooza 2011 last October. Both events took place on a huge stage next to Chango’s Bar and Grill, on the entrance road to the Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Spa Resorts at Sandy Beach. They boasted concert quality synchronized lighting and a sound mix as great as you could find at any concert. For Peñasco Palooza HOTBC brought two additional bands, RoJo who play at Chango’s three nights a week, and another local favorite, Riband.
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Mayor Zepeda Munro made another historical first by securing $160 million pesos to build a modern convention center which is already under construction using the first phase of $60 million in funding.
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There are hundreds of new entries and growing every day. So many reasons to love Rocky Point are popping up on our contest site each day. If you haven’t entered yet, remember, it is Free! And anyone can vote whether you enter a photo in the contest or not. Just go to www.sonoranresorts.mx or www.whyiloverockypoint.com and read the rules. The contest will run until February 29th for entries and you can vote, even on your own photo, until March 7th. Join the fun! Good Luck!
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You may remember our first announcement on December the 9th about the new Sonoran Resorts “Why I Love Rocky Point” Photo Contest and that it would begin today, Monday January 2nd to kick off 2012 with excitement. Well, fellow clickers and snappers, just visit www.sonoranresorts.mx or www.whyiloverockypoint.com where you can find all the detailed rules […]
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