In addition to all the friendly fun fostered from this festivity, The Sonoran Resorts Las Vegas Night for Charity, masterminded by Director of Sales and Marketing, Jim Ringquist, raised one of DIF’s single largest donations during that first event last June….
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Outta Town Productions (OTP) opened April on the beach in front of the Sonoran Sky Resort Condominium with typical flair by bringing over 200 traditional beach volleyball players and spectators back to Rocky Point after a one year hiatus from two decades of perennially successful tournaments along Sandy Beach…
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This is a Primer for those newbies who are driving to Rocky Point from Phoenix or Tucson for the first time. To me, the trip to Rocky Point is a delight. That isn’t necessarily because of the scenery, but because of what I am about to encounter. The trip home from Rocky Point, not so much.
What am I about to encounter is, first and foremost, the Sea of Cortez with its beautiful beaches and the
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This is your final reminder that the spring version of the Fall Fashion Fiesta from last year, which turned out to be one of the most talked about afternoon events of the year and attended by over 250 people, is taking place tomorrow, Monday April 8th at 1:00 PM at the Playa Bonita Resort’s Puesta Del Sol Terrace Restaurant.
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Standing at the beach front of the Sonoran Sky Resort, I shake the sand off my shoes and wipe the salt from my face. It’s been a good day. A good run. I’m pleased with the settling of my heart rate and the slight burning in my quads. Today was my long run, twenty miles on the beach, and it was…
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“I just can’t believe my eyes”, said one visitor as she gazed teary-eyed across the glistening bay from the Malecon at the grotesque giant glowing bill board announcing
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After being blown away by last year’s premier presentation of pure and colorful Mexican Folkloric music, singing and dancing, it’s hard to believe how it could be topped this year. However, after speaking with Martín Martínez, head of the organizing committee again this year along with Laura Palacio and Carmen Martens, we’re convinced that everyone is in for a night of spectacular…
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Our announcement last month about the May 25th date for this year’s 2nd Annual Las Vegas Night for Charity hinted that this gala event would be even bigger and more exciting in its second year due to the overwhelming success of last year’s party. And we do mean party!
Now that planning has kicked into gear, the details are getting pretty exciting. Last year’s gala…
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From tamales swaddled in corn husks at Christmas, to the spirit welcoming celebration, El Dia de los Muertos, Mexico is a country steeped in tradition. With its tradition laden history, Puerto Peñasco was the natural place to begin customs of my own. Perhaps it was the warm moist air that drew them out of me, or perhaps Puerto Peñasco was just that special place that begged to…
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When we were younger, running around Rocky Point (or any other unfamiliar vacation site) we risked our lives on quads and forced our trucks up sandy mountains until they almost rolled over and other crazy, injury-prone antics we performed in the name of adventure. Some of us were lucky enough to make it through those days, others made it with nominal to serious injuries, their friends and relatives wondering if they
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