The largest, longest running (16 consecutive years)—and, arguably, the most fun—Día de la Santa Cruz celebration here in Puerto Peñasco is the one held on the next street north behind the Fifth Avenue shops, also known as the Cholla Mall shops, and other endearing names, called Barrio or Colonia Obrera. Their festivity attracts 300 to 500 attendees each of the two nights from all over the city because it’s so popular…
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The Perez family follows a tradition of basket weaving that dates back to the Spanish conquest in the 1500’s when indigenous Aztec tribal populations (actually called ‘families’ rather than tribes) scattered to the mountain sides in fear of Spanish leader, Hernan Cortés and reestablished their way of life in the isolation and protection of the rugged mountainous regions in the Mexican state of Guerrero…
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