Circus Mexicus is not just a musical event. What many of us look forward to each year is our Peacemaker Family coming together. I started a Facebook page four years ago in an effort to compliment fundraising efforts of the annual Hot Dog and A Smile event. It started out initially with the help of our good friends and Rocky Point residents Mark and Barb Olszewski getting us the Wish List. Each year our group has grown and now we have well over 500 members.
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Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can’t address the many short subjects with proper attention in our blog. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page to appear on our blog site and in Jim’s monthly newsletter to cover those short subjects that deserve updates, follow-ups and reminders that keep you out of trouble, make you 46% smarter, and 11% more likely to lead the conversation in a social gathering. Read on…
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RCPM have quite a following of good to great musicians who love to jam with any or all of the band members, which is why they have little or no trouble bringing us evening after evening of rock surprises during each of their three annual visits to our little slice of paradise by the sea.
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