When the popular Chango’s Bar and Grill located at the entrance to the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea Resorts became available recently, the Wrecked Group just could not resist the opportunity to add their creativity to a venue with which they were so familiar, especially considering the future fate of Wrecked at the Reef when the new home port construction begins…
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On the eve of Mexico’s most important holiday, as our pre-Independence Day blog explained, every town in the country celebrates Father Miguel Hidalgo’s historic declaration of independence from 300 years under Spanish rule, called the “El Grito” (or the “cry for independence”).
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Mexico’s Independence Day is the 16th of September, and is also known by the date (Dieciseis de Septiembre) officially celebrated from the evening of the 15th of September with serious partying through the wee hours of the 16th and all that day. Unofficially, it is celebrated the entire month of September, known as “el mes de la patria” or “the month of the homeland.” You’ve seen the flag wagons being pushed throughout the streets of Rocky Point since the beginning of the month proudly…
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Friday and Saturday October 4th and 5th will mark the the third time this year, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers are gonna bless our little slice of paradise by the sea with their signature rock stylings that never fail to energize everyone within earshot…
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So many new happenings at this year’s Circus Mexicus extravaganza; not the least of which is an additional evening of music at Wrecked at the Reef—with Free Admission! Not only that, but the free concert Thursday night will feature none other than Brian Blush, original lead guitarist of The Refreshments, coming in from the Nashville band, The Toluenes…
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After being blown away by last year’s premier presentation of pure and colorful Mexican Folkloric music, singing and dancing, it’s hard to believe how it could be topped this year. However, after speaking with Martín Martínez, head of the organizing committee again this year along with Laura Palacio and Carmen Martens, we’re convinced that everyone is in for a night of spectacular…
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Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers (RCPM) are Rocky Point’s most loyal international rock and roll band and, arguably, one of America’s hardest working music makers who have a league of extremely loyal followers. Last year thousands of fans (affectionately called “Peacemakers”) came to our little slice of paradise by the sea from 32 states and 7 countries to rock Circus Mexicus 2012!
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We’ll get a double helping of Roger Clyne again this year with an extra helping of Golf as he and the Peacemakers continue their tradition of raising money for the children of Peñasco. This fun weekend starts with Roger bringing another…
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Most local residents know how much Trish McCarty and her famous rock star husband, Steve McCarty love Puerto Peñasco as do many of their fans who’ve attended a Peñasco Palooza or even a Peñasco Business Expo and Iron Chef Competition where he has entertained. Always sharing a smile…
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Saturday December 29th is the date set for the return of Steve McCarty and Friends to Puerto Peñasco. They will be appearing at Chango’s Bar and Grill located on the entrance road to the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea condominium resorts to help Chango’s celebrate their fifth year as the “In” place in Puerto Peñasco.
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