Water and beach activities are a major part of any visit to Rocky Point so it makes sense that a full service luxury beachfront condominium resort like the Sonoran Sea should have a full service quality Activity Center and Dive Shop which is open to the public and owned and operated by Daniel Guemes Castorena and his wife, Ericka Reyna Castro, both PADI certified divers and much more…
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It’s a miniature Giuseppi’s located in the Activity Center at Sonoran Spa next to the mini-mart. It is open from 7:30 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday. If you are visiting, or living in the Sandy Beach area, besides the convenience, a good reason to stop by is for Giuseppi’s famous cinnamon buns—made with mashed potatoes! They are uniquely delicious and compliment a cup of mocha café ma-h-h-velously.
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