Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can’t address the many short subjects with proper attention in our blog. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page to appear on our blog site and in Jim’s monthly newsletter to cover those short subjects that deserve updates, follow-ups and reminders to keep you out of trouble, make you 46% smarter, and 11% more likely to lead the conversation in a social gathering. June is definitely one of those Potpourri Page months. Read on…
Last Mermaid’s Market of the Season Saturday June 7th 10:00AM – 3:00PM
And it will be held in the air conditioned comfort of the Sonoran Spa lobby, a venue that went over really big last season. Expect your favorite exhibits from Shrimp Plaza, plus this year there’s even more. Because of Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers’ Circus Mexicus Festival this same week, you have more than one reason to hang out at the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea—and of course at Banditos.
But we’re talking about Mermaid’s Market here, so all you RCPM Peacemakers be advised that you will have access to some RCPM merchandise that has never been made available at a Circus Mexicus before! Just stop by the booth that is decorated with Russ Black’s broad, friendly smile and take a gander at what he’s talked the boys out of to keep your memories of this legendary music festival alive for perpetuity!
RCPM CIRCUS MEXICUS 2014 Kicks Off This Thursday June 5th at JJ’s Cantina!
And here’s what you need to know to maximize your fun:
Things are a bit different this year, but all changes or for your benefit and enjoyment!
- The most important change you need to know about is that you’ll need a Circus Mexicus 2014 wristband to enter the Thursday night and all-day Sunday events. Any valid wristband will work, whether it’s the Friday or Saturday General Admission (GA) or above. If you plan to purchase your tickets after you arrive Rocky Point, make sure to stop at Will Call to get that done before the fun starts Thursday. (Will Call schedule below)
- Next, please note that PH Naffah’s legendary Hot Dog and a Smile charity cook out has moved from Friday night to all day Sunday, still at JJ’s Cantina as always. Remember, you’ll need your wristband for the Sunday event.
- If you ever planned to purchase tickets for both Friday ($25) and Saturday ($45), this is the year to do it. More bands than ever before will be laying out rock and roll like a bass drum beat from JJ’s Cantina in Cholla Bay to Banditos Amphitheatre in front of the entrance to the Sonoran Resorts Spa and Sea on Sandy Beach.
- RCPM have graded the large space across from Banditos (in case you live in a cave and have no human friends, Banditos was formerly Chango’s and The Hut and now belongs to the Roger Clyne family! This means they will be performing in the exact location they used to play for several years that the fans really enjoyed. Since it is graded and shaped to bring out the natural amphitheatre rise, you can bring your chairs, beach or lounge, and get down with the boys!
- Because of the anticipated attendance this year, Will Call times and locations are of critical importance to everyone. They are:
Wednesday 6pm – 8pm @ Banditos
Thursday 4pm – 10pm @ JJ’s Cantina
Friday 1-3pm @ Banditos and 6 – 10pm @ Main Stage Gate
Saturday Noon – 3pm @ Banditos and 6-10pm @ Main Stage Gate
This means you can kick off the 4 day celebration of rock and friendships right from the “git-go” with everybody’s favorite country ensemble, The Hickman-Dalton Gang at JJ’s Cantina.
Everything else you need to know and all the details on Circus Mexicus, click on for our blog on the last minute line ups.
Annual Rubber Ducky Race Will Invade Sandy Beach Next Sunday June 8th
And you need to put your money on one (or three) to help two important charitable causes plus win a valuable prize for yourself if your ducky hits the beach before the long list of donated prizes runs out. The race takes place on Sandy Beach in front of the Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Spa condominium resorts from around 11:00AM until 1:00PM (where you could be staying for two nights if your ducky gets lucky!) and it’s a lot of fun, especially if you like to watch highly skilled Ducky Herders frantically maneuvering kayaks to keep several hundred little
rubber duckies from drifting off to other exotic destinations like San Felipe with your assigned numbers tattooed on their bottoms.
Every dime collected will go to send a qualifying youngster to the National Paralympics, or to help transport a needy resident for medical treatment outside Rocky Point. Get one for $5 USD or THREE for $10 USD or SIX for $20 USD. For all the information you need to enter a ducky in the annual Great Rubber Ducky Race on the Sea of Cortez just click on this link for our blog from earlier this month with all the details.
Or if you’re brave as well as kind and you’re in Rocky Point, just go straight for the win and call either Barb Olszewski on her local cell phone at 638-114-2406 or Sandy Spain at 638-109-4109. You can also email Barb at Thank you in advance for your generosity.
WOW! Look what they’ve done to the New Wine Shoppe at the Sonoran Spa!
Since our blog about the new general store and wine shop at the Sonoran Spa, you won’t believe the classy décor of the room dedicated to the nectars of the finest grapes. Surely the widest selection of wines in Rocky Point displayed in a wine cellar atmosphere that will make your taste buds beg for even a sip off the vine. And your taste buds will not be leading you astr
ay because
these wines were hand selected by owners Kip and Debbie Evans, both verified, certified card carrying connoisseurs with an unbridled passion for good wines.
Worth stopping by to see—and to take advantage of their wine tasting specials every Tuesday and Friday, Saturday and Sunday for a limited time. Drop by before, during or after the Mermaid’s Market being held in the lobby of the Sonoran Spa on the 7th of June.
This blog is powered by, Jim Ringquist, Director of Sales and Marketing.