Have you ever kept the stats on how many of your friends and new acquaintances fell in love and/or married along the picturesque beaches of our little piece of peaceful paradise that is Puerto Peñasco? It is uncanny, really, the number of couples whose love story involves Rocky Point as a key romantic ingredient, or […]
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Just off the beach in front of the Sonoran Sea and Sonoran Spa Resort Condominiums it is common to see dolphins frolicking and jumping above the surface of the Sea of Cortez almost year around. They are such fun to watch and the opportunity to see them, though frequent, never gets old.
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Until you’ve sailed, you might wonder about the free spirit that radiates from every sailor you ever met. But once you’ve been out there on the water, it becomes aqua clear that the fresh briny breeze coursing across the sea creates and fuels that special spirit in the sailor. That combination usually makes for a […]
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This Saturday will mark the 7th gathering of local arts, crafts and food vendors exhibiting their wares and products to the public of Puerto Peñasco. Since the first event on Saturday December 17, 2011, Mike McLaughlin’s original idea has proven a timely one for which the community was ready.
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Puerto Penasco Dreaming is an inclusion of photos of the area with descriptive poetry or prose which appear for the enjoyment, hopefully, of our readers when the inspiration hits.
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In an interview after their concert performance at the Tempe Center for the Arts Tuesday Night, Paul McDermand and Terry Anderson reiterated their love of Rocky Point, not just to this writer, but to the crowd of attendees who grouped around them after their show. Paul had mentioned the beauty of the beach and the people while telling the story of the winds that had cancelled the St. Patrick’s Day concert in Rocky Point over the past weekend.
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Shortly after the Mariachi band began playing, young Eliana Ramirez, just 7 years old, strolled over in front of the Mariachi group, raised a wireless mic to her lips, and with the confidence of a consummate professional, welcomed the small crowd of 50 or so early arrivals and announced the first song she was going to sing for us, ending it with “…and I hope you will like it!”
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We are so used to beautiful weather year around here in our paradise by the sea, that when it does rare its ugly side, it catches us by surprise.
That’s what happened on St. Patrick’s Day as the winds began to pick up in the afternoon and continued to grow until they were dismounting the awnings of the concessions by the time the first act was performing. It got worse from there. Alan Munro shut down early due to equipment being displaced by the winds. Several spectators were forced to leave with sand lodged in their eyes.
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Beginning, as all the headlining musicians on the stage tonight have, with an early exposure to a musical instrument, since toddlerhood in Steve McCarty’s case, followed up with proper and timely formal training to enhance his natural aptitude, and his own early passion to become a part of the overall creative process through which the music industry was passing, Steve was able to reach the highest level attainable in the industry—and at a comparatively young age.
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For someone who had just walked 12 hours a day for 12 days and covered 189 miles, Steve looked amazingly well. There are two main reasons for that. One, he stays in decent shape year around, although he did say that he’s a little slower than when he first made the trek in 10 days at 29 years of age. And probably the main reason is because he is an ex Airborne Ranger. If you’ve ever served in the military, any branch, that’s enough said!
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