As cruise lines project into the future, a concern is that major routes like the Caribbean, the bread and butter for most of the large cruise companies, will not be able to keep up with market growth. In the past they had been concerned with the same issues as they related to the smaller “exotic” destinations…
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If overcast skies spoiled your view of the much hyped July 12th ‘Supermoon’, no problemo, amigo. You’ll have not one, but two more opportunities this year to gaze at, photograph, or otherwise enjoy the phenomenon of a Supermoon…
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When Jon Sharp, a computer network engineer, and his wife, Mary, a nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix came down for the 2013 Super Bowl, they returned with a special momento of our little slice of paradise by the sea. While most visitors are satisfied with silver, serapes or straw hats, Jon and Mary came back with the ownership papers to a fully operational restaurant and bar business! And not just any restaurant and bar, mind you. This was the iconic two-story thatched roof establishment known at the time as Mexico Beach Bum, which had spent time under the name of Wrecked at the Reef and before that it was the La Palapa…
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Sometimes so much is going on in our little slice of paradise by the sea that we can’t address the many short subjects with proper attention in our blog. To handle the hodgepodge of dangling subject matter, we invented the Potpourri Page to appear on our blog site and in Jim’s monthly newsletter to cover those short subjects that deserve updates, follow-ups and reminders that keep you out of trouble, make you 46% smarter, and 11% more likely to lead the conversation in a social gathering. Read on…
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Chef Julio Velázquez has proven himself a gifted culinary artist, having worked and trained under such renowned Executives as Epicurean Chef, Eddie Matney and French cuisine icon, Chef Christopher Ross in Phoenix. He also served as Sous Chef and Head Chef of the award winning Cheuvront Restaurant in Phoenix.
It was this combination of hefty culinary experience, and the sage advice of a wise doctor that pulled Julio through the traumatic diagnosis of Lupus in 2009. By all accounts, his future was to be filled with massive changes in activities, diet, indeed, even his ambitions to become a…
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Jerry Cáñez was born with a passion for quality and service and knew his career was to be in the food and beverage business from an early age. Even though his love of the service industry came naturally, Jerry worked hard to earn his expertise in the culinary arts, restaurant management and organization, as well as the specialized fields of banquets and weddings. In fact, if you attended the Sonoran Resorts 3rd Annual Las Vegas Night for Charity on July 5th of this year, you’re already familiar with Jerry’s ability to put on a delicious buffet as he catered that affair…
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Last year’s successful diaper and wipes drive, affectionately labeled as the Tea Party and held at Giuseppi’s Espresso Cafe on Fremont Boulevard in June netted 5896 diapers and 5488 wipes, nearly a year’s supply for the children of the Amores de Peñasco shelter—quite a feat for a first year effort. It was also a testament to the breadth of kindness by the foreign residents and loyal visitors of our little slice of paradise by the sea…
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Right at 300 good hearted folks seemed to find a great excuse to come out and play on Saturday night, July 5th. It’s probably hard to find a better excuse to have fun than getting to play your favorite casino games knowing that win or lose you’re helping the city’s chief charity, DIF, the 38 year old Office of Integral Family Development…
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