Sister María Del Buen Consejo, Mother Superior of Casa Hogar home for the elderly, had an exciting month in September! She celebrated her birthday on the 16th, and the month was topped off with the installation of two new crosses and a statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe, an event that moved her deeply and it showed.
The crosses are not just any crosses. They were handmade by Mike Bibb, who, with his wife Eilene, have installed 16 of his crosses in and around Puerto Peñasco so far.
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For the fifth consecutive year the Pelicans of Puerto Peñasco along with 80 to 100 of their fellow cyclists will gather at the Barclin Circle K Pemex Station (that’s the last one on the road to Sonoyta) for an 8:00 AM departure. Trophies will be awarded in three categories:
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When the popular Chango’s Bar and Grill located at the entrance to the Sonoran Spa and Sonoran Sea Resorts became available recently, the Wrecked Group just could not resist the opportunity to add their creativity to a venue with which they were so familiar, especially considering the future fate of Wrecked at the Reef when the new home port construction begins…
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