If you were near Sandy Beach on Saturday June 2nd, you couldn’t have missed the veritable crowd of people all decked out in sea blue T-shirts with a row of flowers surrounding the words “Reay 2012”. The “clan” has been coming to Puerto Peñasco for 40 years and holding their family reunions on Sandy Beach for 20 of those years. As the family grew, about six years ago they all—all 47 of them—decided to fix the date of the first weekend in June for the festivity.
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Few Dare to Dream. Fewer Dare to Live Their Dreams. Steve and Lulu Yoder are among the ‘fewer’. They dared to dream of sailing the Sea of Cortez, living aboard their own vessel and spending ample time getting to know a country they knew they would love based on past travel in Mexico. They dared to live that dream when they retired. They sold everything that didn’t fit in their 28’ Westsail Cutter-Rigged Sloop and literally sailed off into the sunset. This was two years ago and they are still having fun, adventure and life fulfillment.
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