The fortieth formulation they tried was successful, hence the name WD-40. This happened in 1953 and the ingredients of that formula remain a secret locked in a vault “somewhere in San Diego to this day. WD-40 was released to the general consumer market in 1958 as an all purpose lubricant. Since then, users of the product have sent in thousands of other uses for the product that they have discovered through trial and error. The company changed its name to WD-40 Company in 1969. By their 40th anniversary, WD-40 was a $100 million dollar company and their multi-use product was found to be in 4 out 5 households. Here are 43 of those uses, some of which you’ll find especially useful living here in Puerto PeƱasco. You can find over 2000 more uses at their website: www.wd40company.com .